jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018

Is it even worth to push for SEO in this niche? earn by blogging adsense income


This may not entirely relate to typical, "lifestyle" blogging, but it's blog related nonetheless.

I run a business related to offering Copywriting / Article writing services and I want to start my own website - as a "service" tool and a portfolio. On top of that... I wanted to start blog to explain my main services and their benefits, and maybe even get some SEO traffic.

Do you think it's even possible to push for SEO in this niche? Or should I just stick with portfolio page instead of wasting my time by pumping out content that won't rank anyway, whatcha think?

submitted by /u/Tofimaster
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://ift.tt/2OjJsUQ
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