domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017

How do you dropshippers speed up delivery time from Aliexpress? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I'm wondering what's the best strategy to speed up delivery time when dropshipping from Aliexpress. And how would you do it if you have a whole range of products (meaning multiple suppliers, etc). I've found two niches that are generating a healthy amount of interest and this is the only part of the equation I'm stuck with.

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How can I utilise my free time to become a more successful entrepreneur? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

After a pretty unsuccessful 2017, I’ve decided to take a new approach at business this year. I’m currently working a full time job and will be spending my time off work flipping stuff on eBay/Facebook to raise money for a future business idea. But what else can I do in my free time to maximise my chances of success? I currently read business/finance books and aim to read one every two weeks this year. Anything else?

submitted by /u/theodoreaallen
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A simple paper based method of task tracking that I use to organise 3 companies and 3 charities. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I've tried most of the task tracking apps, read far too many books and still struggled to track anything of volume. So I cut out the fluff and made a system called pivotlist. It's almost, but not quite like everything else. The main difference is there is almost nothing to it, but I think that's the magic.

I'm involved daily with three small businesses and also three charities. Before heaps of stuff kept falling through the cracks. Now a lot less does. And I'm a lot less stressed :D.

Hopefully pivotlist helps some of you cope with getting stuff achieved. Below is the basic summary from ([].

Pivotlist is an organisation method for mere mortals. People who forget things, activities, phonecalls or the milk. It's superduper simple and easy to learn, the basics are less than a page, But it also grows into a framework, so when you're extra busy you can stay on top of stuff. Lots of stuff.

The Basics

The pivotlist method is designed to specifically target two of the biggest causes of procastination. Together, these two equal stress, lots of it and it ain't pleasant.

  1. Infomation Overload. That feeling when there's just too much to do, and you don't know where to start. Pivotlists clear your head.

  2. Analysis Paralysis. Endlessly thinking about what to do next resulting in no time or ability to do it. Simple sorted lists allow you to focus on one thing only, and get it done.

By constructing a clean and simple pivotlist workflow you can stop over-thinking what needs to be done, and with well built lists what to do next is obvious.


Find a pen, some paper and make a quick list of some things you need to do. Write whatever comes to mind even the stupid stuff, and in no particular order - things that need doing now, stuff that needs doing later, random things you really should remember. Format the list with bullets or dashes for each item, like so:

- read
- buy chocolate
- TPS report
- ring Jeffery
- book meeting room
- pick up Alice from school
- visit Mum in France

What we've just built is the unsorted list, the 'inbox' of the pivoting world and the place where every idea, to-do, project or reminder that you need to track starts it's journey to completion. As much as possible should end up on this list, leaving as little as possible in your head.

Let us Pivot

We humans are simple creatures, and despite what modern myth would proclaim we're not very good at doing a great many things at once. At best you end up with some sort of crappy result, and at worst everything is incomplete or missed. Both ways spell stress.

The key to a successful pivot list is make sure you focus only on what needs doing now, and thus you can ignore anything that isn't relevant. To achieve this, we're going to break your unsorted list into pivots.

Pivot : the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates.

A good pivot group is the smallest possible breakdown that gives you one central point of focus. You don't need to think about work while at home, and shopping generally isn't relavent to your work day. The group should be exclusive, one task fitting in one and only one pivot.

As an example, we'll break the rather simple list above into three simple pivots: [home], [work], and [other]. You might need something different, there are some suggestions for different pivot groups in the examples near the bottom of this page.

For each of your unsorted items write the most appropriate pivot to the right of the list, like so:

- read [other]
- buy chocolate [home]
- TPS report [work]
- ring Jeffery [work]
- book meeting room [work]
- pick up Alice from school [home]
- visit Mum in France [other]

Now, find a new piece of paper and create lists for each of your pivots. Sort the pivots into each list, crossing them off the unsorted list as you go.

[home] [work] [other]
- buy chocolate - TPS report - visit Mum in France
- pick up Alice from school - ring Jeffery - read
- book meeting room

Ready Freddy!

And that's it. Really. Pick the list that reflects where or what you are doing now, and start completing the tasks. Cross them off when they're done.

The final step is to return to the beginning. Keep adding everything that comes into your head to the unsorted list, and then forget about that item. Each morning, or maybe every evening, sort through your unsorted until it's empty. Briefly review your pivotlists too, resorting if required.

And then do what's appropriate - if work isn't until tomorrow, then ignore it until you're there. If there is shopping to be done but that isn't until Saturday, ignore that too. If you're at home and something can be done, do it. Then cross it off. And repeat.

If it seems simple, that's because it really is. The trick with pivotlists is, with some effort, you will actually use it. You've likely tried every app. in the store, read heavy tombs about how to get stuff done, and procrastinated building the perfect system. It doesn't exist. But there is something about writing stuff down, getting it out of your head, sorting, and then doing, that it is addictive. So, give it a try.

If you have questions, or don't quite follow a detail, read through the tips and tricks for ways to make pivotlists work well. Finally, if you've got some seriously complicated tasks or need a system for teams, then take a look at workflows for some ideas on how pivotlists can be extended.

submitted by /u/oselz
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Planning Life! Does it really work? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I read a post few days ago that I also shared in /r/GetMotivated. I wanted to know if it actually works? I tried to write the plan for next few days. And it started giving me more mental pressure to do that instead of feeling relaxed. After I was done with it. Instead of feeling relaxed, I felt that I do not have anything to do in my life.

Hence, I am here to ask if it really works to plan a life ahead of living it, as it makes me feel empty inside and most of the people I have discussed with about it locally, have always told me that it is just a waste of time and you are just putting more stress on to yourself.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/sindhichhokro
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Money or Passion first? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

When you are coming up with a new money making/business idea, do you tend to start with a financial goal first (such as I want to make $1,000,000) or do you not worry about the money and follow your passions, create value, etc. and hope the money follows? Just curious... :)

submitted by /u/ebookroundup
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Looking for new books for 2018. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Looking for books to read in 2018! I'm looking for some about- *Business Mindset *Philosophy and General Knowledge *Motivation and stuff like that I just want to fill myself with knowledge in 2018. Suggestions appreciated!

submitted by /u/rickymolo10
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My story of mixing friends with business, hope this can help someone someday! entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Before my current career, I had an idea for a business. Next thi g you know, I decided to help all my friends out and hire them and bring them on board. Some got equity. The thing is, being young, I did not realize the mistake I made. Every decision someone did not like became a heated and emotional tug of war and everyone just started screwing everyone over. One friend now is really rich (millions) and got it from MY hard work.

My advice to you all is to never hire a friend or family member, especially early on when the culture is not really set yet. At least when you have, lets say, 10 employees, there is culture set that they can not stick out of unless they try to and you can call it out quick.

submitted by /u/throwawaynashville11
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New Years resolutions for success entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

A short intro to myself for anyone who cares, I'm in my mid-20s, live at my parents home and am building a brand/ecommerce store which was profitable as of August 2017

As with a lot of others at the beginning of the year, I am feeling a surge of motivation. I wanted to make a list of my resolutions to feel accountable to them, and possibly help others who are in the same boat as me.

  • Get out there. No one can take on the world from their bedroom. I will spend a whole lot of time networking and selling face to face. I know this will not only be beneficial to my business but to my own personal growth and well being.

  • Tidy this damn desk My desk is always scattered in wires, water bottles, coffee mugs and literal rubbish that I'm genuinely embarrassed to admit. My desk will become a heaven of organisation.

  • Wake up early, go to sleep late. I've always been adamant that I need at least 8 hours sleep, but only ever focusing on what time I wake up rather than whatever time i decide to sleep. Idgaf about what recommended amount of sleep scientists recommend, it's nothing to take an hour nap (in my situation at least) or just deal with it. I will wake up at the crack of dawn and sleep anytime it suits me.

  • No more YouTube I have got into the habit of playing a youtube video while I work and it's just stupid. My productivity goes down the drain. I will continue to listen to music and maybe podcasts though

submitted by /u/holdthebabyy
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Where do I start? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hey guys, I've being lurking for some time and feel its time to start doing somthing, but dont really know where to start im open to all ideas, Im currently working full time in real estate so would selling on amazon be practical? Roughly how many hours a week do you put into your online businesses? Im sorry if i sound like a complete noob any help would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Johnytightlips
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Lessons learned in 2017 on business and productivity. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hey guys,


As 2017 is nearing to an end, I thought I should wrap up my learnings about business (marketing, sales) and personal development (productivity mostly) in a small post! In 2017 I launched my startup and follow every day the advices written here.

1. Seek the best possible outcome, instead of perfection.

In other rights "stop seeking to be right" or for business "Take the shortest possible path to deliver value to customers". I realised there is a greater advantage in seeking the best outcome in every situation instead of finding the perfect solution.


A few examples:    

  1. You launch a product that provides 80% of what customers want in one week vs. You launch a product that provides 100% of what customers want but it will take you 12 months. Which one do you choose?
  2. You need to make 100 cold emails and know they will be perfect but it will take you one day vs. explaining it to someone else which might not do as it as perfectly as you but it will only take you 5 minutes to explain.

2. Ship every day... and put a deadline on it.

This one is for those being stuck in "analysis paralysis" which is a symptom of many entrepreneurs. We want to make it perfect, we want to "wait" for this or that to be done first. NO. Just ship it, BRO! Whether it is a small feature, a bug fix, talking to new customers... Just keep that momentum going. It will make you more motivated and yield compounded returns over the long term.


Next to that, what works for me best to ensure I ship is to make it actionable and attach deadline into it (example: "Talk to 10 customers today and find out what their pain-points are with my product and summarise it by tonight."


A few examples:    

  1. Email 50 potential new customers about services and understand what they need the most before this afternon.
  2. Send instructions to employee on how to do X, Y, an Z before 12 today.

3. Be accountable.


Imagine you are on a runnning track and everybody is watching vs. you are racing alone in the woods. What would push you more?


Every morning on Skype I write to my business partner the top 3-5 things I will work on today and make him an update in the evening on what was done. You can also use Whatsapp, or whatever works best for you. I would be happy to add you on Skype and be your productivity buddy :-)

** A few examples:**  

  1. "Man, I am going to talk to 100 customers today".
  2. Business partner: "Good luck. I am going to code features X, Y, and Z and also talk to existing customers to tell them how they want those features to exactly be".
  3. "... I only talked to 98 customers today"
  4. Business partner: "Talk to 200 tomorow".

4. Read the evergreen stuff on business... and summarise it.

One of the most important skill as an entrepreneur is to build yourself. One part of building yourself is to build your knowledge and you usually do that by doing as well as reading other stuff. I would be extremely picky on what to read, and how to retain that knowledge.


My takeaways on this are:

  1. Stop reading "marketing tactics" and other jargon blog posts. Build elementary wisdom in marketing, strategy, economics, finance. Just build a strong foundation and attach knowledge over time to it.


  1. Write about the stuff you have read / learnt and share it to others. Maybe even start a small blog and write a post along the lines of "Here are some evergreen marketing techniques I have learnt this year". Even if no one reads it, it will help you spot your blurry areas of knowledge.

5. Leverage yourself, your team, your money, your business.

As cliché as it may sounds, my favourite quote is from Archimede is: "Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world" I absolutely love the concept of leverage because you can apply it in many areas of business (hiring, finance).

A few examples:

  1. Instead of buying its own buildings, WeWork leveraged its strong brand to fill in offices.
  2. Instead of trying to find the perfect solution to hire that perfect employee who is too expensive, find common grounds and leverage what you can do to work together.

And you Reddit, what did you learn in 2017?

submitted by /u/europeentrepreneur
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How Does One Get An Idea Up? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Here's some background: Im 17.....the end

So I belive I have a million dollar idea (yea tons utter this without much thought) Im very hard on myself and lack alot of self confidence so me thinking this says something. I can definitley see the product (In the edible department : not maryjuana or any drug just consumables) blowing up on kickstarter. How does one begin. First of all im going to need one of those simple kickass videos with my product in a white room with color explosions but where does one start. Another factor is: lets say I make this product at home. Whether its a snack or a drink im most definetly not going to slave around everyday making a product. How does one start mass production and storage etc. Do you pay your friends to slave away and produce and where the hell do you keep the stuff. How do you ship it out? How do you get stores to carry it? Can someone please give me the run down. I at least want to try this.

submitted by /u/Max__Millions
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Anyone built a landing page using Squarespace? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

My website is run using Squarespace, so far my business has all been word-of-mouth, but I'm now interested in doing some facebook ads to grow it out.

Squarespace has a built in "cover page" feature which is essentially templates that can be edited. All of them have forms and CTAs which are "hidden" behind a button though.

What I mean is that in order for a visitor to fill in a form, they have to press a button to reveal the actual fields.

This seems like really backwards logic for landing pages. Has anybody designed a landing page using Squarespace before? Any advice?

submitted by /u/TaskEvasion
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Seeking someone to write a KILLER "About" page entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

So everything that I'm reading says that a site's About page should be engaging, and it should focus on how you/your product serves the customer. I've also noticed that a large number of visitors to my site check my About page, and some do so before even looking at products.

I'm not the best when it comes to engaging content, so I'm looking to pay someone to write something good for my About page. I'm not sure what the going rate is. If anyone is interested and wants to shoot me an offer, I'd appreciate it. Bonus points if you have a link or sample of your work.

My site:


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I do FBA and Affiliate marketing. Is Dropshipping worth my time? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Please, only people who actually do dropship and have proof of it. If you have not done drop shipping, please don't suggest it, but I would be happy to hear your comment :). I'd like to know your experiences, concerns, and failures. Happy new years everyone!

submitted by /u/Larryn1030
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A true entrepreneur could excel in any field. Would you agree or disagree? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

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My New Years Resolution To Crush It On Linkedin entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Don't sleep on Linkedin in 2018...

I'm personally going all in on Linkedin.

The amount of organic reach you can get is actually ridiculous.

I've been experimenting with posting content on Linkedin the past few days.

Here's 4 things I figured out of their algorithm:

  1. Long form posts (1300 characters get more reach)

  2. When someone likes your post their connections also see it

  3. Your posts that new connections see can be up to 30 days and if they like it, it refreshes it for their connections

  4. If you have a viral post going, any new likes and comments seems to "refresh" it for the newsfeed.

I got multiple posts with over 1,000 views and some potential business in my pipeline for 2018.

Right now I'm testing hashtags there too. Will update with results.

If anyone else has anymore tips, feel free to share! I just got started on Linkedin, but I'll be playing the long game.

You can read about my other goals for 2018 here

Feel free to reach out and connect! I message everyone back.

Let's crush 2018 guys.

submitted by /u/KPhun
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Just finished writing 15 short stories. What's a good and painless way to publish them? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Note that two of the 15 stories were published by a top American outlet in 2016 but I hold the copyright to them.

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Anyone have code for a Cratejoy Survey entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I am starting a subscription box through Cratejoy. I have everything ready but, we want a style survey for our customers similar to the one ipsy uses. It appears I’m not the only person who wants this from my google searches but I haven’t found a simple explanation on how to add that. Has anyone done it?

submitted by /u/crystaljae
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What are the top blog platforms / templates with outstanding SEO features and support? earn by blogging adsense income

Thanks and Happy New Year!

submitted by /u/znelson32
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Starting a business like Airbnb, targeted for indie filmmakers? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I'm creating an app like airbnb, aimed at UK filmmakers. I often have trouble finding affordable locations for shoots and thought it would be useful to have a dedicated app. I've got many of 'no's to filming on airbnb and it'd be nice to avoid requesting quotes from various places that charge too much. Would love any thoughts on if you think this is a decent idea or not.

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Is there an acquisition method you've tried and had a lot of success with? I'm thinking cold calling is the most efficient? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

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How could you monetize a tech tutorials website? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I made a few mobile phone tips tutorials and they've gotten tens of thousands of views and many subs. I also know a lot about different software and development. I'd love to create tutorials for a living.

Is the only way to make money from this to create a course and charge a fee to access it? Are there other ways?

Id love to start the site now and then a year from now be making some money.

thank you for any feedback :)

submitted by /u/mcrchap
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I am building a start up every month for 2018, what can I make for you? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

They say 9/10 businesses fail in their first year. This year, I'm challenging myself to code 12 start ups in 12 months to learn all about what it takes to make a successful side hustle and I want to start by giving back to the board that inspired it and helping you!

So what website/service can I build that would help you the most in 2018?

submitted by /u/codekitten
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Amazon seller consulting a viable opportunity? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Amazon seller here ~ $1mm annually. Anyone know if offering non-cookie cutter Amazon consulting services is a viable service to offer? I love the thought of helping companies take their Amazon business to the next level but can't stand the thought of having to get a ton of clients to actually make decent money doing it. What is a reasonable rate to review, provide suggestions, and help setup Amazon ppc? I also lean towards working locally to be able to visit the business and provide services in person. Any thoughts are appreciated.

submitted by /u/likewyattearp
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Multiple sites on same IP - ranking factor? earn by blogging adsense income

Running a vps off ramnode and have multiple sites off same IP each with their own auto SSL. No crazy inter-linking, sites clean. Was told that sites should have their own IP for better ranking, is this still a factor? Looking at some sites hosted with GDaddy, it seems some share IP with dozens, if not hundreds?

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How to Explain basic Business Strategy to a 5 year old. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hi all,

I've been a reader and contributor on this sub for a few years now and recently started writing with the goal of sharing business strategy concepts in a way that will resonate with small business owners, entrepreneurs just starting out, etc...

I decided to kick it off, I would do a quick and dirty introduction to "Porter's 5 forces", an introductory business strategy framework that helps analyze competitive advantage and risks. I have decided that until I get my site fully up and running, I will not post a link, but wanted to share this with the community. The goal here is to help new and established business owners think about strategy in a way that makes sense, and is not intimidating.

bold Sit down, child. You’re getting older now, and it’s time for us to talk.

Things are changing and I’ve heard you asking questions. But before you start your self exploration, I wanted to have an honest discussion about competitive intensity in the current business environment.

bold Porters 5 Forces and a Lemonade Stand

Porters 5 Forces model is the classic framework for analyzing business competition and potential profitability. It is one of the first things introduced in a quality business school curriculum and has been referenced for decades. At it’s highest level, this model looks at expected external factors and how it will effect profitability.

Now I’ll be forthright in telling you, this narrative hasn’t been tested with any actual 5 year olds (hard to reach demographic), but I think it will resonate. Feel free to share these simplified teachings with anyone who may be interested in business or entrepreneurship. A simple strategy is better than none, and it never hurts to review.

bold Billy gets some lemons and opens up shop on the sidewalk. Here are some threats he will face:

boldNew Entrants Billy’s friend Colin sees that there is demand for Billy’s lemonade and decides to open up a discount lemonade shop. Now that there are two stands, Billy will have to lower the price of his drink to compete or no one will come to his stand anymore.

boldSubstitutes Billy’s other friend Joey hears that the cool kids drink iced tea in the summer. Joey opens up a tea stand, and more of Billy’s business falls off.

boldBargaining customers There are now two lemonade stands and one iced tea stand. The thirsty people realize that the drink stands are competing. Sally approaches Billy and offers him 50 cents for a cup of lemonade, even though he’s charging a dollar. But since Sally is the only one there, Billy gives in an reduces his price.

boldBargaining suppliers Due to a large hurricane that destroyed 4 out of the 5 top lemon groves in the world, the one undamaged grove is raising their prices. With a higher lemon cost, Billy’s profit takes a hit. Is this the end?

boldRivalry Although discouraged at first by the competition, Billy realized that there were actions he could take to improve his business:

His mom shared her secret recipe for purple lemonade and all the kids love it. No one else can figure it out. He hosted a ladies night where the first 10 girls drink for free. All the boys came to hang out and were thirsty too. When competition caused profit to fall, he started to think of the cheap low-margin lemonade as the advertisement, and focused on upselling popsicles when customers arrived.

This, in a nutshell, is how competition drives innovation and ultimately benefits the consumer. This example also underscores the huge importance of finding your competitive advantage and building a sustainable moat in order to mitigate the impact of these external forces.

Thankfully, Billy was able to stay in business due to the innovation of his purple lemonade and the enduring demand for popsicles. Meanwhile, Colin and Joey failed in their ability to pivot. The realities of competition caught up with them and they paid the price– literally.

Please let me know if you find value in this, or if there are other related topics you are interested in learning more about!


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Maintain business help? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

This holiday season has been wonderful but there’s always a sharp drop off in sales with the jewelry business. Does anyone have any ideas to help have business be more stable after holiday season?

submitted by /u/trepvox
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Advice on this landing page? Im a traffic wizard but I usually fall short on the back end with conversions entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Here's the link to a landing page to promote a free trial for instagram marketing service/software I run.

I always do great on the front end, getting traffic is my specialty but the weak part of my campaigns are always converting on the back end. Would love some feedback from any marketers or web designers here!!

At first, I ran this campaign and got $120 signups. I had a consultant take a look and it was clear I had wayyy to much information. I made the page super brief, and made this quick video to explain everything instead of a ton of text.

Its a 2 week free trial, good offer so I am hoping it's not too challenging to convert! Any reason you guys can see someone wouldn't convert?

Last campaign I would get 1% of visitors to signup. Shooting for much higher here.


submitted by /u/ajcassata
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SEO market in Ireland earn by blogging adsense income

Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this kind of post is accepted here since the rules are [deleted] so I guess it can't hurt to try (I also posted something similar on and Ireland sub)

I've been working with SEO for a year now (I know it's not much) and I intend to move to Ireland probably in June next year, and I'd like to know your opinion regarding the market for this area, considering that most job openings on Glassdoor and Linkedin usually ask for at least 2 year experience.

What are my odds of landing a job there? Any tips?

Thanks and happy new year!

ps. I have a bachelor's degree in International Affairs... but I ended working with SEO out of pure interest, in case the lack of a marketing degree makes a difference.

submitted by /u/BrunoMaio
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How to ensure compliance? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

A Native American student - friend of mine - approached a hotel near our reservation in December 2016. The hotel wasn't doing too well and was scheduled to shut down. The student told the hotel that he will send plenty of customers to that hotel in return for half the incremental profit the hotel makes from these customers. The hotel owner - a non-Native - agreed.

The Native American student promoted the hotel extensively on his Facebook page and also during pow wows. Each pow wow he had a table set up where he promoted the hotel and sent many Native American pow wow dancers, singers, drummers and visitors to that hotel.

The hotel didn't shut down and is still very much in business. In fact, during pow wows, the hotel has no occupancy.

It is Dec 2017 now. Exactly one year later. How much did the Native American student make during the course of the entire year? Exactly $803 or about $67 a month. The "half the incremental profit the hotel makes from these customers" was based on a handshake and a promise that Native Americans keep. Obviously the hotel owner isn't keeping his word. There are 14 pow wows in the area.

My friend is planning to do business with another hotel now. The question is - how can he the hotel owner will keep his word?

submitted by /u/throwmongo
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Chinese translator/negotiator recommendations? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I'm looking for a translator to help sourcing products from 1688. Have any of you had good experiences?

submitted by /u/jsvd87
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My experiences running Rezi. From an American startup, to Korea's leading English resume company entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hey guys,

If anyone wants to know anything about running a resume company or the "behind the scenes" stuff of doing so, I'm happy to talk!

I think it could be interesting because we started Rezi in this community and on Reddit, and as of recently, we've been able to support Korea's top universities with our resume software.

I'm not really trying to market our services at all but I think it's a unique story worth sharing

submitted by /u/rezi_io
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Combining sites...good idea? Potential pit-falls? earn by blogging adsense income

Hey guys! We're looking to combine two websites into one. The main website is a hotel and the other (to be combined) is a restaurant at the hotel. We're still going to keep the unique URL for the restaurant, just redirect it to the page on the hotel site.

Worried that this will make the restaurant lose its status as a 'stand-alone' site in the eyes of search. Is there anything that we should do keep from losing whatever SEO juju that the restaurant site has?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/AnthemWild
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Starting an Online Web Design Agency Need Advice entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

First a bit of background. I am 24 years old with a degree in Computer Science from Asia and have been working as a freelancer on sites like Upwork for over 2 years. I started working while I was still in university.

What I want to do is target clients from the UK and and Europe for web design and development jobs. The problem or the confusion that I have that would it work or how do I make it work. Trying to target people in the UK etc without having a physical presence in the country.

I mean I already have a portfolio of websites, a company website and strong freelance profile with a bunch of good feed backs but if you were to land on my website from a Google Ad or a Facebook Ad and the only option that you saw of contacting me was through Skype Voice Call or Video Call would feel comfortable in hiring me for the job.

I have searched reddit on the topic and most suggestions revolve around cold calling which doesn't seem to be a viable option in my case. Also I haven't found much information related on how one would go about running a complete online/virtual business.

submitted by /u/r3566154
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What are your 2018 goals? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

submitted by /u/OffTheChartsC
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Are you active on LinkedIn? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I like the idea of LinkedIn but I feel in reality it does not serve its purpose well.

If you were in charge of LinkedIn what are some changes you would have done to make it a more productive tool?

submitted by /u/Scotty11p
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Single $300 click from AdSense entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

About a month ago, I earned almost $300 from a single click in AdSense. I've seen large(ish) clicks in the past, but no where near this amount. I waited a month to see if it would be clawed back, but it never was and was even paid out.

Here's what I know:

  • Country: Malaysia
  • Platform: Desktop
  • Ad type: Display/HTML5
  • Ad format: Text & display
  • Ad behavior: Standard
  • Ad size: Responsive
  • Creative size: Dynamic
  • Targeting type: Personalized
  • Bid type: CPC
  • Ad network: Google AdWords

Is is possible to figure out more details about this click and/or ways to replicate? My guess is no, especially considering its personalized and not context based, but thought I'd check to see if others had more experience.

submitted by /u/adameepoo
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Starting a new tattoo shop entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hey all! I’ve been tattooing for 6 years now, out of various shops in my area. It’s gone from super saturated to relatively sparse with several shops with shady practices being shut down. I’ve worked in shops with 1-2 artists, half a dozen and some piercers, and in hair salons and spas that set me up in a separate but attached space. I was recently canned from a local hair salon as they were no longer looking to have a tattoo shop attached with very little notice. I have no desire to work in any of the other local shops, but I am super passionate about this industry. I’ve been sub-contracted and self-employed for so long that Canada’s employment insurance options for starting a new business are no longer available to me; but I’m determined to at least make a go of starting my own business. I’m through the marketing plan, demographic analysis, and summary portions of my business plan, but I’m lost on the financial projections section and having an incredibly difficult time finding a location. All that said: fire away. Any and all advice is appreciated as I’m having a bit of a freak out as to how little I’ve accomplished in a week and a half after being fired.

submitted by /u/holdmydrinkgirl
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Amazon account at risk, terrified. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Have been on handmade at amazon for about 3 years in good standing. I had some orders due out and I thought they were set to ship a day later than they were. As soon as I noticed I shipped them out, maybe 12 hours late, and I upgraded the shipping on all so they’ll probably arrive early. Needless to say this effed up my 7 day metric for late shipments and it says “at risk”. I’m terrified, this is my biggest source of income and I know they’re brutal when it comes to mistakes. Should I contact seller support? Wait it out? Prepare to be banned?

submitted by /u/LeCharlesMuhDickens
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There are not-for-profit organizations. And then there are your for-profit companies. Is there anything midway? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

There are not-for-profit organizations.

And then there are your for-profit companies.

Isn't there anything midway? I'd like to start a medical company that is 40% for-profit and gives 60% to aboriginal causes. Can someone suggest something?

submitted by /u/throwmongo
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Cold Calling vs. Online Marketing to drive sales? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I'm considering becoming a Realtor and alot of the top Realors say that you MUST cold call to generate business if you're new to the business and should not use platforms like Facebook to generate leads.

Do YOU agree? I feel like it might be more efficient to generate leads on Facebook because it allows you to do other things (like enjoy time with family etc.) instead of sitting behind a phone for 4 hours...

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. What's your take?

submitted by /u/Misperception
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Are there forums or marketplaces where the potential customers will actually discuss products and services or RFPs with the sellers? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

It had occurred to me that once I start rolling out my service (not ready yet) I am likely either going to need to actively solicit customers or create a website where they find me. That seems good for customer number maybe ten or so and beyond but it seems like for the first few if there is a way to have a conversation with people looking for something that overlaps with what I would be selling that would be worth the extra effort. Could anyone please direct me to something like that?

submitted by /u/UniqueUsername0555
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Anyone know where I can go to learn about investing and starting my own buisness? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Currentley in college for buisness administration and i feel like im not learning about anything valuble. The only thing I'm benefiting from is an excel class. Maybe I'm jumping the gun but I want to get ahead quickly. Any help is appriciated.

submitted by /u/lrev47
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European manufactures and where to find them entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hi everyone,

Is their a European alternative to this website >

I'm trying to look for specific manufactures (clothing) in Europe, but struggling to find suitable ones.

Appreciate any help, cheers!

submitted by /u/J_ulianne_
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How Magic Mushrooms Changed My Life and Business entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

About this post: I’m just an average entrepreneur who finds certain marketing, advertising and business stuff fascinating. This post (along with all others) is nothing more than a fun little project for myself where I write about stuff I find cool.

Today's post is about the time I did magic mushrooms - a 30g dose by myself with the aim to self-reflect. I never had any intention of a 'fun trip'. I wanted my ass kicked, beaten and tenderised black and blue - and I did!

Now this isn't strictly a business post. It's more a self-realisation post from the point-of-view from an entrepreneur.

Drugs is a weird subject. I know there's a lot of guys who rave about the 1001 benefits of weed and stuff. I'm not that guy. I personally think chronic stoners are losers.

That said anyone who thinks ALL drugs are useless all the time is an idiot. As you'll see Magic mushrooms forced me to face many demons and helped me come out the other side a stronger entrepreneur and human being.

This post was originally written on my blog where it's accompanied by pics I can't include here due to reddit's limitation. To read the article in it's original glory click here (don't worry there's no affiliate links or crap like that)


Otherwise enjoy:


How Magic Mushroom Changed My Life

Until maybe 4 years back I was a chronic liar.


Not in all respects. In fact in some ways I was the most honest person among my friends growing up. When I couldn’t get an erection with a girl, I came back and told my friends right away. They made fun and teased me – not in a vicious way – but how boys do.


Funnily enough since making that admission, within the next week one of my friends came and said all of a sudden he failed to get it up. Soon after another. Now I talk openly with anyone who I deem a decent friend about not getting erections. It was my honesty which opened the door for the uncomfortable phenomenon which every male deals with in their life.


But the two areas which I lied about were to make to make myself look cool, and to make excuses which I was too uncomfortable facing like a man.


I’ll give examples of both:


Looking cool – I would tell bullshit tales about hooking up with certain girls. Or I’d make up a story that I had visited a cool country, and maybe done cocaine with some cool people in a crazy situation.

Make excuses – Say I didn’t want to go to someone’s birthday. I would happily make up lies about a close relative dying. My go to relative was an uncle. You can never have too many uncles!


Jokes aside I feel embarrassed to my core that I ever did this. Particularly the lies revolving trying to make myself come off cool. It feels so lame to reject myself so outright that I need to make up shit stories.

Anyway, around April this year my brother gave me some mushrooms, which he had no use for because he was in a shitty headspace and didn’t want to shroom in that condition.

I on the other hand was in a great headspace. I had successfully closed over £11,000 of tutoring monthly tutoring business, from just 20 hours of work a week. Plus I had learned to open up to my then fiancé-now-wife, and our relationship had deepened.

I remember reading a long time ago, from a guy called Terrence McKenna, that if one wanted a really introspective trip he should take a high dose by themselves. This is exactly what I wanted.

Since leaving my office job lift back in April 2014, and starting my entrepreneurial journey I’ve had to face a lot of bullshit I was holding on to. That’s the beauty of entrepreneurship. You have to face reality if you wish to succeed – and that starts first with yourself. With the help of meditation, self-reflection and listening to certain teachers such as Alan Watts and Osho I had come a long way. I was a far happier person with both the world and myself.

I had no intention of using the Mushrooms as some recreational trip. Instead I wanted to face whatever demons the sacred mushrooms were ready for me to face. I expected the trip to challenge the very essence of who I was, but I felt ready for whatever came my way.

I chose a Saturday, where my fiancé was with her parents, cleaned the house, got all my tasks and errands out the way, put on a pre-chosen spotify music playlist and chewed the mushrooms thoroughly.

What followed was one of the most powerful emotion, physical and spiritual rollercoasters I’ve ever faced.

This may sound cliché, but it’s simply not possible to describe a session with Magic mushrooms justice. Words are just too cumbersome describe what the experience holds. It would be like trying to make a surgical incision with a chainsaw – or trying to describe the sound of birds chirping to someone who had never heard it.

What I will say is that there were two major “feelings” or “findings” I experienced of significant importance to me:

1) I felt so loved by the world. Imagine what it was like to feel scared and unsure as a child, and to then feel the warm embrace of a loving parent showcasing a strength higher than yours which made you feel both safe and free at the same time.

That’s how I felt. The world was telling me not to worry. It was addressing the scared child inside me which fights every day and feels scared behind it all. It was nothing short of beautiful.

2) This loving feeling told me one thing which I wanted to hear for so long. That the world – both those I know and love me, and new strangers who I’ve yet to know are ready and waiting to accept the real me.

I was told I didn’t need to lie or act cool. I was loved for who I am. And if anything the shedding of the lies to act cool would only allow the love and connection between me and everyone else.

It was so reassuring. I felt meek but at peace like I hadn’t in years. It was an exhausting bliss.

Oh man I read back on what I’ve wrote, and whilst I think I’ve done well to capture the essence of the magic I felt that day, it in no way truly captures the message I felt that day. Those interested will have no choice to go through the experience first-hand. There is no other way.

I felt thoroughly exhausted. But in the best way possible.

Though the experience has long passed, the message I received that day carries on with me today. And because of it I’m lying less and less, and learning to love both myself and others as they are – flaws and all.

It’s also had a big impact on my ability to get more business. Before I realised to accept myself, I would often stretch the truth regularly in my marketing and selling activity. I guess I felt who I was, and what I was capable of wasn’t enough to bring in clients.

Since shrooms, I’ve come to realise that the reason I got my clients wasn’t on my crazy claims, but my ability, and presence of character. It’s allowed me to strip away the unnecessary crap in my client acquisition process, which in turn has brought me a peace of mind I didn’t have.

Don’t get me wrong I still have plenty of doubts about myself. And I haven’t stripped myself of all the lies and bullshit I speak. But it’s drastically less, and I feel lighter and happier within myself.

About Me

My name is Ganon (not real name) and I’m an active entrepreneur with moderate success. What I love to do is write, and I do it for the fun of it. Hopefully you liked it - if you did let me know.

This is the 3rd post I've ever shared. If you like my stuff check out my personal blog here

submitted by /u/GanonMakesMoney
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Should one buy the weird hen that produces only 10 male chicks per month or invest all his money in shares? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

This is the data (some are hypothetical, some are real values):

You have $1000. You don't eat so you have no cost for yourself.

You can only either buy shares or buy the hen that bears only male chicks. In this weird world, the hen can only produce male chicks. Where the hen come from, is a mystery.

People will buy the male chicks for their own reasons so there is demand.

The hen costs $1000.

You can buy the hen via down payment but

If you use the credit card to buy the hen, the interest you'd have to pay to the bank is a straight line 1% per month and the loan period is 10 months. So, your monthly cost will be $110, for 10 months.

Fortunately, you can sell the little male chicks just in your building ie at your own house but you have to work because your hen only bears children if you give it care. You have to talk to the hen in a weird way for 8 hours a day and sell the chicks by yourself, so this isn't a passive income but you like talking to the hen. The estimate profit from doing this is $30 a month. (No other cost because you hen eats worms in your yard by herself. So, all you have to do is just sit down and talk to the hen to make her produce baby chicks. Your only cost here is time. And the hen never gets illnesses and stuff. So, absolutely no cost - nothing else apart from your energy and time.)

But if you talk to the hen and produce chicks, you will gain experience and one day probably you'd become a famous chick maker and start charging premiums but this is still a long way to go - it will be like 10 years till you become a famous chick maker who can sell his chicks and make $300 per month. (Imagine a world where there's a certain group of people who pay premium for the chicks made by some famous chick maker. And in this world, you cannot turn the chick-making into a business either. You'll always have to talk to the hen to produce your version of chicks.) The number of little chicks the hen produce is also only limited 10 chicks per month. Right now, as you're inexperienced, you need to put in 8 hours a day to get the maximum 10 chicks. But as you get more experience, you can produce 10 chicks a month with as low as 3 hours a day.

If you use the credit card to buy the hen, you will have your full $1000 in your hands in the beginning of the month and you can invest in shares, and though the investment the return will be reduced overtime because you still need to pay for the $11 monthly.

So, lets say the shares rise in value by 2% every month and below is your return on investment on shares for 10 months.

  1. Month1 --- 2% return on the $100 investment in shares = $2. You pay $11 to the bank. Now you have $81 left.

  2. Month2 ---- 2% returbn on the $81 investment in shares = $1.8. You pay $11 to the bank. Now you have $69 left

  3. You repeat this till month 10.

Now by the end of month 10, because of depreciation, the value of the hen is now $800 (20% depreciation). After 5 years, the value of the hen of course becomes 0.

Would it be a good idea to just invest all the money in shares, or get a hen using a credit card while buying and selling shares month by month?

submitted by /u/BigBlueBawls
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I'm Becky L Duncan. I help online entrepreneurs create business love at first sight. Ask Me Anything. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I help online entrepreneurs create business love at first sight. Happy to answer any questions about your online business - copywriting is my jam.

Let's talk about: *The exact words you need to use to attract your ideal clients *What to say on a consultation so it's comfortable for everyone (AND makes the sale) *How to grow your list and turn readers into buyers *Crush writers' block and write blog posts people actually want to read *What you need to say to establish yourself as the expert and build trust *Any other online business questions you have

Here are some freebies and the proof

submitted by /u/BLDuncan
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I can find any indexed email addresses with a small program I wrote. Any tips on monetizing it? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Given a domain name I can find any email addresses that are available through search engine's indexed pages.

I know service like Hunter offers this but I think I can carve a small slice through places like Fiverr for small jobs..

Do you have any tips ??

submitted by /u/hotaway
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Where to file my LLC for my web-based biz? My situation is a bit complicated... entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I realize that much of the time, the answer is "wherever you live." My situation is a little more complicated.

  • I live in Illinois and work here in a 9-5, which I hope to leave this year. IL is not a very business-friendly place.

  • I run an online business. I currently file as a sole proprietorship in IL.

  • My product is fulfilled in a fulfillment center in Texas.

  • I expect to move in 6 months or so to either Colorado or even overseas. I may quit my full-time job at this time.

  • I'd rather file in a more biz-friendly place, and also avoid the $500 filing fee in IL (not a huge deal, but still...).

I just would like to know some options before I seek legal advice. Thanks!

submitted by /u/forgonsj
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Disney image infringement, possible law suit? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I have the chance to invest in a growing etsy store. They have great reviews and lots of sales but I noticed lots of Disney stuff. How can all these etsy stores sell knockoff Disney merch without getting cease and desist letters? Is this a deal breaker?

submitted by /u/Hmmmm_Interesting
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How can I verify my google business address using email? earn by blogging adsense income

I tried to register my business on google business and even geo tagged it on google maps but the only type of verification option I see is via mail/postcard (I dont even know how this will work since I live in the middle of nowhere in Africa and i don't remember giving google my mailing adress) Can somebody help me so I can verify my business using my gmail account. I don't know if it matters or not but my business is a lawyering practice or firm. Thanks

submitted by /u/temporad
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Needs some help with my online business and Instagram entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Thank you for checking out my post I'm a new business owner working in a adult entertainment business catering to a particular niche professional twerking no nudity.They don't just bounce their booty. They're really good dancers.

at the moment I have one customer and 9 registered users, all on mailing list.

If any of guy or gals have time I would like to get some feed back and critic on my website

Instagram I'm new to instagram how often do you recycle hashtags? how to grow organically(real people) how does influencing work? how can you tell if someone is a good influencer or not(bots) influencer how much do they charge?

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Most people pay $5K to attend a seminar to learn what's in this video. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

This video came up in my Youtube cue and was an amazing surprise.

Never heard of the guy before, he looks kinda douchey with the hair and clothing, but the strategies he lays out are rock solid.

submitted by /u/dappchap
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Good books about building that first dedicated audience to your website? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I have always struggled with the initial marketing to build that loyal group. So just wondering if any good books to learn it.


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What do you use to create simple repeatable presentations? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Background info: In my consultancy work I create assessment and roadmap documents for brands, which I then present to the clients. These presentations always follow the same format, with key words and short sentences written in response to questions, as well as visual mood boards, charts etc. Thus far I have just used google docs for the written and a graphic program for the mood board and then combined it together in a pdf. It never looks beautiful.

What I am looking for: Is there an app that will let me create a visually pleasing template, that i can just fill in differently every time? Ideally it should be presented like a survey in the end. Drag and drop to create the template would be great. I've looked at Prezi, but its too fancy and I need something clean sharp and to the point.

Can any of you recommend something that will do the job?

submitted by /u/rwgr
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Passion Project – Advice on my first business entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hi all - I just created my first website for a travel service and would love some input. I really enjoy travel planning and with a little hard work hopefully I can turn this into a full-time job.

I recently went to Japan and spent weeks planning the trip for me and my buddies. I planned out every aspect of the trip and would put all the links in a Google Sheet and told them what they needed to book. The trip was an amazing experience and afterwards my friend said I should try doing this for other people.

The concept is to build vacations using Google Drive and leveraging those tools. I would build out a map and itinerary that I would share with the person and they can pull up on their phone at any time. I would do all the research and personalize it based on their preferences. If you’re vegan, I find the best restaurants for vegans. If you enjoy hiking I find the best hiking spots. Etc.

Here is the link:

A few things I could use some input on:

1) How does the website look? 2) Does it make sense what I’m selling? 3) Is this a service you think people would utilize? 4) Are these prices reasonable? 5) Should I do a few for free to get feedback? 6) What am I missing?

I’m learning all of this on the fly so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/KFlanny13
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Facebook has blocked my shopify store, anyone else had this problem? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

so I was trying to promote my shopify store with facebook ads, but I don't know why, facebook has determined that my domain is spam or dangerous, and has blocked my page to post any links to my store, I can't even put the url as my page domain in facebook. I've tried to create an Ad with my domain and also says it has been blocked.

Error #2622 (destination blocked) and when trying to open the preview I get this:

anyone had this issue and was able to solve it?

thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/Baldie47
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My New Year's Resolution: start & grow a profitable e-commerce store entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Okay I've become sick of excuses & stupid little things that hold me back from starting my own business. I've always wanted to start an e-commerce store, but where I get stuck is finding a good idea to execute on. I always talk myself out of starting because of this. Social media marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO, conversion optimalization, search enige marketing, I've studied all these things in detail but what makes me go crazy is that I don't do anything with this knowledge.

This year I will start my e-commerce store, grow it and turn it into a profitable venture. That's the least I can do with the amount of time I spent reading lots of books, blog posts, forum posts & Reddit posts about all fields of e-commerce.

submitted by /u/jamesmaddogmattis
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Sms support to customer from computer... Software? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Happy New Year everyone! Quick noob question yet again sorry. I really appreciate this sub. I learn so much. Thank you.

Is there a software I can use to send text messages from my computer to a mobile phone anywhere in the world and reply working back and forth (custom text msg) and software that can follow each conversation?

I.e I offer sms support.... you text me at "this number that is the same for everyone" and I will text you back from my computer, with the history of texts for that number I can see for reference??

Is there such a thing? Or rather such a thing for a very, very, very small scale?

Thank you. Have a great 2018! It's 1/1/18 @ 0025 here :-). Brain is excited.


Edit: English.

submitted by /u/nagnot
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What is the best decision you made for your business this year? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Can be a purchase too.

submitted by /u/cyphrrr
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Does removing poorly ranked pages help improving the ranking of already well ranked pages? earn by blogging adsense income


Some people say that completely removing the pages of a website which do not rank well on search engines, helps improving the ranking of those pages of the same website that already rank well. For example, a page that is currently ranked on the 1st page of Google in the 5th position helps it to be then ranked on 3rd or 2nd position, or even 1st.

While I have seen many people saying this, I have never found one saying "I tested this and is true".

"Reality is the murder of a beautiful theory by a gang of ugly facts." - Robert Glass

In theory, this concept makes perfect sense. But as in time life taught me that between theory and practice there can be huge differences, I would like to know if You tried this concept and if You obtained or not higher rankings of already well ranked pages of your website after removing those poorly ranked pages?

Thank You for reading this.

submitted by /u/4driano
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What to prepare for a investor? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hello, i hope you are enjoying NYE!

Im still kind of new, my startup is 1 year old now and for the first time a real investor have shown interest and is coming to see us next month, i have talked with small investors before but this guy that is coming is big.

Im not quite sure what to show him in our presentation, in a 5 year plan how optimistic should it be? Its a hardware product and it will be expensive to get the product into his country, certifications and so on. Do we show him a big detailed list of expenses or keep it short and just show him the ROI and focus on the product ?

Anyways if anyone have some advice please share :)

submitted by /u/MrPink7
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I have a list of company names. How can I automatically retrieve the web url based on this programmatically? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I have hundreds of names that I want to create a list of urls for. But it is too cumbersome to figure out them one by one. The names are specific enough to be the first query from google. Is there an easy way ?


submitted by /u/fifth-throwaway
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Any company that gets packages in the USA and shipts together to overseas? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hello, im from Chile and i currently import some stuff for my business from China.

In China i work with an agent, that is someone that gets every purchase i make and then send together to me in a correct package and shipment

Do something like this exist in the US?

submitted by /u/MasterGodDios
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For some businesses, how much does leadership affect its success? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Example I am thinking of is Facebook, had someone else founded it and tried to grow it, do you think it would have been even as close as successful?

How much does leadership affect success of a company?

submitted by /u/KtoMM199
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Best/Cheapest Way to file LLC? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I need to register and LLC cheapest and fastest way. We are starting an online store in the US.

submitted by /u/SlimsantaHD
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Starting my own cleaning company, ideas for being different on the market? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hey everyone, I am thinking about starting my own cleaning company, and I am trying to figure out, how I can be different from my competitors.. I am super motivated to start this business, since I have always dreamt of starting my own company. I’ve grown up in an entrepreneurial minded family, and I do not find joy in working 9-5. I’d rather work 24/7 on my own company, than working for someone else. I am currently only on the thinking / brainstorming level, and I am trying to identify demand, competitors, values, etc. My plan is to be the biggest cleaning company in my country, and to serve thousands of people with simple, effective, “green-minded” cleaning. I am not from the USA, I am from Europe, a country with 4 million people approximately, and only one major competitor, who is very good on the price.. But I don't want to compete on price, since I believe that will ruin it for both of us.

I'm thinking that my cleaning company should be very focused on green ecological cleaning. Using Ecological Supplies* Donating 5% of all profit to the biggest nature organization in my Country* I also want to make clear that my company focuses on the customer, and the cleaning is customized after the customers preferences*

I’ve been running several webshops before and sold them all, so I have some experience in the field of internet businesses, but never a physical one like this, where I have to hire cleaners etc. which is pretty exciting I think. My most positive experience so far, on this journey is that I found an amazing name for it haha, but that’s not really what matters atm. I want to make a serious plan, and validate if it’s even possible to beat my biggest competitors, which it is, but what will it take, that’s what I have to figure out. If I could travel back in time, I’d tell myself that I should be much more patient!

What do you guys think, how can I differentiate myself in this field? My competitors has an app, over 7k+ customers, is able to provide cleaning for 50% of the country. A good looking, simple website with possibilities for choosing your own cleaner based on ratings and photos.

submitted by /u/ganeshaganesha
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