viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Wordpress and Google Search Console: Which URL should I claim in SC? earn by blogging adsense income

I just created a website using Wordpress. I am on the "Personal" plan for now, so there are no SEO features or plugins available, except for adding the Search Console meta tag to get my website verified.

I registered a new domain and under the domains tab in Wordpress, my primary domain is "r/" and the following links will redirect to that domain:






My question is: How do I make sure that Google treats all of the above links to be the same as "r/" with Wordpress? I do not want the redirected links to compete in search rankings with my primary domain.

Does Wordpress automatically create canonicalization for the other links? Does it use 301 redirect? Or does it do nothing at all and I have to manually set it up somehow? Do I claim each link separately as a property in Search Console or should I claim only the desired primary domain?

I'm fairly new to SEO, and I have just received training on technical terms and the basics. Thanks for your help guys :)

submitted by /u/blue-print
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