miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Question about my DIY-built-wizard and how Google will handle it earn by blogging adsense income

I'll explain this as best as I can. I'm creating some kind of a wizard for my website. I ask my audience 3 multiple choice questions using gravity forms with conditional logic. Based on their answers I lead them to a specific page with my advice. If you give different answers, you will land on a different page. The advice I give is slightly different on each page, but there's also some overlap. There are 48 different outcomes so I will create 48 unique pages.

My question: How should I approach this SEO-wise? The content on the pages I make are the result of your anwers in the wizard. If one of the pages will rank high in Google there's a big possible issue. When people click it, it will be very random. They will land on a page that is 'tailor-made' for someone else. Not for them.

I could tell Google not to index the pages, but I guess that would hurt my traffic. There's a lot of valuable content on those pages.

I would very appreciate all your insights on this :)

submitted by /u/hazetom
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://ift.tt/2OOmaDD
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