martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

About to launch a very content-heavy WP site. Designating cornerstones, need some advice. earn by blogging adsense income

Hi r/SEO!

So I've got a new WP site with some custom coding, and I've had Yoast running for all of my content insertion across 10+ pages and 200+ posts. I have only designated Cornerstones for 3 pages and 2 posts thus far.

My question is: is there any point in designating Cornerstone for a page that is absolutely the main attraction of our website, but which also lacks dedicated text? We have an about page and campaigns pages with 600+ words which we will regularly rewrite, so those make sense for Cornerstone. But the "main attraction" is a digital library of externally hosted content (tons of internal and outbound links with essays on each page), and I want to designate the search page for that library as a Cornerstone. Thing is, there's only 32 words on it, and I cannot and should not add more text. Is this a bad choice for a Cornerstone? Is there another easy way to make sure that Google prioritizes my site's library SERP/search page?

Thanks for any advice you can provide :)

submitted by /u/EnigmaTrain
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