viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Basic Keywords and Backlinks Question earn by blogging adsense income

Hello SEO Community! I’m trying to do some SEO for my business and I have some questions.

Once I find the keywords that I want my website to rank for I can strategically place them in my site by auditing my website, my only question is, should these keywords be on every page or just one? Can each page have different but related keywords? For example, I have multiple locations in 3 different states and each location offering are a bit different, can they each have their own key words?

The next thing we’re doing is upping our blog game to create high quality content that can grow and attract backlinks. In regards to back links, If somebody back links to one of my articles, does that give my whole domain more authority or just that blog post. Meaning, will that backlink help me rank higher on Google when people search for my website? Or do they have to backlink to the homepage for that to help.

Thank you guys so much in advance I’m really learning so much from the community!

submitted by /u/KanyeWest_AlterEgo
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