miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

I am taking over a site from a novice developer / SEO... Where to start? earn by blogging adsense income

I'll start by saying I that I am a full time web / UI designer that has a reputation for being good at SEO because of my previous projects. I don't do this full time but I am familiar with the space due to working for an SEO agency for 5+ years.

I recently got hired to redesign a Ecomm site built on Wordpress, which I'm very familiar with. After the re-design I went to start my SEO work and noticed the previous "dev" tried to set up Yoast and failed miserably, but there is a Google auth code in the Webmaster Tools section. They do not have contact with the previous dev so I do not have access to any analytics or anything before the site "went down".

Is it safe to set up a new Gmail and setup a fresh Webmaster Tools & Analytics account?

Is there any tools that I can use to find the old URLS or analytics? (Unfortunately there's no Wayback Machine archive)

Any other things I could do to preserve link juice and authority without any previous data at all?

Thank you in advance for any info.

submitted by /u/ArtOverSleep
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