martes, 4 de septiembre de 2018

Need help about duplicate content on a custom URL for Google Blogger. earn by blogging adsense income


So, I've had this blog on Google Blogger for quite some time now. Let's call it It's indexed on Google Search, added to my Search Console account along with blogger perks like HTTPS and stuff.

Today, I bought a custom domain, say, directly from Blogger's 'set up a custom domain' option using Google Domains.

The transition went fine, HTTPS was enabled, so was DNSSEC and now redirect to redirects to redirects to

I added the '' property to Search Console. Also, there was an option of 'change of address' when I opened '' property in Search console which had the following options

  1. pick your new site from the list - already selected

  2. confirm that 301 redirects work properly - already confirmed

  3. check that verification methods are still present - the website was verified to my account using Google Domains so I 'Confirmed' this one.

  4. Submit the change of address request - Submitted.

Now, here are some of my question.

  1. Will I run into any trouble for duplicate content? All my redirects are working and the default site is '' permanently.
  2. Do I have to set up a canonical URL? If yes, how do I do it?
  3. Do I have to request removal of the links already submitted to the Search Index (using Fetch as Google tool) or will it automatically update due to the 'Change of Address' submission.
  4. If I have to submit new links from my blog to the Index, I should use the '' property instead of ''. Right?

It will be great if you guys can answer thes questions. Thanks.

submitted by /u/mercenarydempsey
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