martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

Considering switch to HTTPS. Couple questions. earn by blogging adsense income

Hi Yes, yes I know I'm well behind when it comes to this but better late than never. I'm considering going the easy route and using Letsencrypt. My site is a wordpress blog hosted at Siteground. It gets about 100K visits per month, with maybe 200-300 pieces of content. A couple questions:

1) I understand my rankings will drop when I make the switch, as Google needs time to recrawl and get used to the new domain. Can you give me a rough idea of how long it takes to regain rankings?

2) Any good one-stop-shop guides out there that I can follow to get it done? There seems to be a lot of info already on the web but I'm looking for that killer guide that will make it easy for me. I'm not too savvy on the technical side.


submitted by /u/mattbpkt
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