miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

SEO forcing system, is that legal? earn by blogging adsense income

I'm a software developer and now im starting to work as a web developer freelancer. In the way it cross on my way an annoucement about a SEO forcing system called 'Super SEO', the guy who invented the system claims thats he invented an algorithm to force websites to appear on the first position or at least on the first page of any web search engine (google, bing, yahoo and maybe others) but also doing the opposite like taking down any page of the search engine just by putting the 'nofollow' metatag. How? He's resilent to show the algorithm but says that have some servers around the world which make the job along with the robots meta tag

My real question is: Is that legal in the eyes of Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and other companies? Because since im not an expert I know the rules of making at least a descent SEO without compromise anything that could do a bad SEO (keywords, H1, title, description, paragraphs, sitemap) but for me this is like a Pay 2 Win game and also forcing a website to appear on the first page even if the site has a crappy SEO by itself. Ive read an experience of a friend who hired a similar service but google tracked the site and punished him to not appear on the search results for a time

submitted by /u/P-Pablo
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://ift.tt/2ADtcX2
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