domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018

My website is - however if you google my name Facebook is the first result earn by blogging adsense income

To preface, I work full time as a Web Developer and have a high understanding of good SEO practices, but am no means an expert.

I have a website (specifically my professional/portfolio website) which is just my first name and last name dot com. I would think that I would be first since the domain name literally contains my name however I'm beat by Facebook. I'm guessing that this has to do with:

  1. Facebook having an older domain name
  2. Having more keywords on page than mine
  3. Having more visitors

Instinctually though, I would think that since my website is literally my name, it would be the first result. Obviously beating out a behemoth like facebook in SEO is very hard if not impossible but could I be missing something really obvious that ranking me at #2 in search results?

submitted by /u/kawnah
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