jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

Negative SEO Attack Investigation earn by blogging adsense income

I have two clients that are being attacked in a very similar manner and I am looking for some advice on how I can track down what the cause might be.

Essentially what is happening is the two clients, who are in totally different niches and have no relationship, are having their homepage content scraped and put onto new domains, some of which are adult related. The content, once cached by Google, is then a few days later is removed and the domains are turned into adult pop-up sites. This is being repeated over and over again and I am finding new domains every week.

Has anyone any ideas of the best way to investigate this or if they have heard anything in any underground blackhat SEO forums? Maybe there is some new tool/service which might be being used. I haven't been able to find anything so far and this is wrecking my brain!

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks :)

submitted by /u/AlmightyCrumpet
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