jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

Using pictures to show ad disclosures earn by blogging adsense income

Hi guys,

Another question for you SEO 'geeks' in here.

In the markets I work with, it seems as the marketing law is pretty clear on how you are required to disclose ads using text such as "Sponsored by:" or "In cooperation with...".

However, we don't want the search engines to catch this, as it kind of would eliminate the purpose of what we are doing.

So, my question is: If you use a picture to indicate that the post is sponsored, would that catch the eye of Google? In my view the human visitor would clearly see a picture with no background saying the post is advertisement, but Google wouldn't read the picture... Our would Google's algorithm actually be able read the picture?

I speak with multiple webmasters who believe this is the solution to adhere to the marketing laws, but still to "trick" Google.

What do you guys think?


submitted by /u/LeBambole
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