So i am sort of saying this to vent and document my journey a little. I am in the process of trying to market a digital product which i have worked on for 1 year now, finally! Yet ads are being rejected left right and centre on the main platform i am looking to market on...a little bit of a hick up to say the least.
I have been going the entrepreneurial journey since the age of 16, its my burning passion. Tried clothing lines, affiliate marketing, ecom, innovation. Its been one hell of a journey where i've learnt a lot and am continuing as i do so...
Each failure i have had has taught me more about myself, why i am really on this journey - my why, & has taught me so so much about what i would do better next time and how i can prevent certain failures in the future...
Along with building a digital product the past 365 days, i have been focused on swing trading the markets - managed to turn around £7-8k i had into roughly £250k in the space of around 6-7 months, to only get fucked in the arse in a market crash, didn't cut my loss and ended up losing £240k in the space of 2 weeks...lesson, take your profits, don't get greedy.
This past year has been full of ups and downs already, from points where i've felt estatic ready to book a trip to hawaii to and i kid you not, pits of entrepreneurial depression. Crying in my kitchen, wondering when will i hit the break through...
I am writing this so i can look back on this thread in the future, like never gave up. You had your dream, you had the vision and despite what anyone told made it.
I truly believe each hurdle, each obstacle happens for a reason - so to anyone feeling a bit shit on this journey, hope you can read this and be like...damn, i can relate.
Put that music in & keep that vision.
Love you all
See you at the top.
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