viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Agency peeps, is it unethical to take on one of your old agency clients outside of work, as a freelance consultant. earn by blogging adsense income

Client isn't renewing their contract with my agency and will be leaving in 60 days. They've expressed interest to me personally about bringing me on as a freelance SEO consultant, which I haven't replied to yet.

Generally have a good relationship with them and they have joked about getting me "onto the team" in the past. They know my (then hypothetical)monthly rate would be cheaper than our agency rate.

Are there any ethical issues here that I'm being willfully blind to because of the $$ in front of me?

The other worry is...I have no idea how my company would react if they found out. Like if they're no longer on the company's books as a client... should they even care? They're okay with me freelancing on my own time so that's not an issue here, but I've never run into this specific situation before. Have any of you?

submitted by /u/notirrelevantyet
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