martes, 31 de julio de 2018

Second guessing the offer for a SEO consultant position due to anxiety earn by blogging adsense income

It's not an SEO question per se, but more of working in an agency.

Context: I was let go from a PR agency years ago (my first job after college) due to poor performance (typos, poor attention to detail). It caused me health problems such as anxiety and insomnia, which I had to take medications for.

I managed to find a new job, and eventually moved to a role doing content and did some SEO on the sides. I learned as I went along.

Recently a positon for a SEO consultant opened up by an SEO agency that set up a new office in my area, and I applied for it. I somehow managed to impress the hiring managers enough to offer me the job, but now I am second guessing my offer due to my bad experience in my old agency.

On one hand, this would be a good opportunity to grow my SEO and people skills. Plus, I don't know when such an opportunity will come by again. On the other hand, I don't think my people skills are fantastic (I speak faster than I think), and I'm being held back by my bad experience,and I feel like just staying put.

Can anyone share their thoughts about moving from in house to agency, or how they got past their bad experiences?

submitted by /u/deci33
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