viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Launched a webapp. Blog/landing page on root domain. App on sub domain. Should I combine? earn by blogging adsense income

Hi r/seo,

I’m looking for insight into how my website domain/subdomain setup will affect my SEO.

I’ve recently launched a Ruby on Rails webapp to help homeowners manage and coordinate their home maintenance. Before I launched I hosted a landing page and blog at the root domain via Wix. Since launching I’ve put the webapp on a sub domain (dashboard) and kept the Wix landing page and blog up on the root domain.

Some more background info: I only have a few articles up and my site is not yet linked to or heavily trafficked or linked to. I’m not ranking high in search engines yet either.

I have the ability to set up my site however I want going forward. I believe I have 3 options:

Status Quo: landing page/blog on root domain, app on subdomain Option 1: landing page/app on root domain, blog on subdomain Option 2: everything on root domain

My main reason for any of these setups would be SEO. I’m wondering

  1. What should I be considering with each site architecture?
  2. Is there an option (one I’ve listed or otherwise) that is clearly better than the rest?

Thank you for your time/help!

submitted by /u/ryan_from_chicago
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