viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Baking Industry SEO earn by blogging adsense income

Hello guys, I'm really new when it comes to SEO. I only know about the very basics. In a couple of weeks, I'll be starting my job as a digital marketer (junior position) in a very small baking shop. The owner does lectures, e-books, workshops, etc. Currently her website is down. But when you google her, you can still find a lot of websites linking to her website, because she used to be very out there two years back.

Could you lead me into a direction, on how to start working on her SEO, maybe even some tutorials or books? I would love to make this work and put all my effort into this.

Do you maybe also have some sort of list or spreadsheet as some sort of guidance on how to work through SEO? Listed in specific topics, so that I know the efficiency and importance of all the different topics?

I hope I'm not asking too much of you. I've been reading here for quite some time and it does seem selfish asking for so much, even though I haven't contributed at all.

Hopefully I can soon contribute a lot more to this sub by gaining more knowledge.

Have a great day guys!

submitted by /u/2bierlaengenabstand
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