martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Youtube vs Facebook: Cost-Effective Promotion of a Pre-Launch Campaign and Building an Email List entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

If you are lazy to read, here is the short answer: For short pre-launch and quick response, Facebook; for longer pre-launch, Youtube.

The same as everybody else in this sub, I am also tired of reading posts from PR and advertising companies who try to sell me their useless service. Real advertisement agencies, are extremely expensive and out of my budget as an entrepreneur. So I decided to start this discussion so everybody can also share their story and experience about cost-effective ways to advertise. Here is my story: It is several weeks since we started promoting our landing page to develop our Kickstarter pre-launch email list for a product (a smartphone-based metal detector). So far, we tried Youtube and Facebook to bring more people to our webpage which has a pop-up window requesting for email in exchange for 10% discount. Here is the result of our experience to share with you: Facebook- We made a Facebook page for our product and tried to promote it. We tried different strategies and after several advertisements got the best result in promoting a video posted in the page: The key is to limit the promotion to the users in a certain age group such as 23-45. Young users do not have money to buy and older users do not back Kickstarter (of course Kickstarter has 18 yro or 90 yro users, but, probability & statistics....). We used the filter to limit the advertisement to the people who like “Kickstarter” and also like “metal detector”. Spending $30 for a week, it costs $0.0075 per video view and results significant numbers of video view (4000), page likes, share, comments, and followers and almost 10 new subscribers to our website email list. So, each email subscriber costs $3 this way. Youtube- We posted a youtube video, the same as the one we posted on Facebook. We tried to promote it via google adwords. We tested different advertisements and got the best result when limiting the viewers in the similar age range as we used in Facebook. Youtube has a great filter that allows you to choose on which youtube video you want to promote yours. We selected top 100 videos about “metal detector” to show our video on. Spending $30 for 7 days results 500 views each view costs $0.06. It also resulted several new subscribers to our youtube channel and some video likes. We had only 3 new email subscribers this way with the cost of $10 per subscriber. Conclusion- I personally hate Facebook because of the way they behave their users. A while ago I was banned to access my account for over a week with no reason, no response from them,…. . Similar story is reported from others in the past. So, IMO, Facebook is not a good platform for small businesses and I will not rely on the numbers of followers we have on the Facebook page, will do the best to bring them all into our website (It is possible that Facebook closes our page any time in the future with no explanation). However, it is cost-effective for short term pre-launch advertisement. Furthermore, after stopping the Facebook ad, the numbers of engagements in our Facebook page dropped very fast. View per video at Youtube is almost 8 times more expensive than the Facebook. However, increasing the numbers of views in Youtube means the video will be automatically showed up in the youtube search engine in the future, a good investment…. My previous experience of running a youtube channel shows that if a video has about 10K views, it will be seen by 70-120 people per day who will find it in the search or other ways. So, if one spends time and money to go from 0 to 10K views (costs $600) then leave it for several months, a significant numbers of free subscribers will add in the future. But, it works the best for longer pre-launch plans.

It was only our experience from a specific limited experiment. It may or may not be true in a general case. If you have any suggestion/comments or want to share your experience of advertising in other social media, please write your story in the comments and let us learn from your practice.

submitted by /u/akyor
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