martes, 1 de agosto de 2017

Company naming help? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hopefully I tagged this right. I'm looking to come up with a name for my side business/blog. I do psychic entertainment (like doing tarot and palm readings for a bridal shower) as a side gig. Right now it's just been word of mouth but I would like to get a blog going. I have a few posts written but I'm terrible at coming up with names for anything.

Do you have any tips that you've received for naming a business?

I'm open to any ideas y'all may have for me. A few things about me that may help: I'm blonde, petite, outgoing, optimistic, and use jokes to attempt to eliminate discomfort. The blog wouldn't just cover psychic things but also other "new age" things (or whatever they're calling it these days), like acupuncture, shamanic healing, reiki, etc.

I don't take myself too seriously at all and stress that, while I am very intuitive, all readings should not be taken literally. I may say something that a client takes one way then realizes later it was referring to a different part of their life.

Also, feel free to AMA regarding my business. I'm really open and not easily offended!


submitted by /u/improbablylostnow
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