martes, 29 de agosto de 2017

🚨🚨 eCommerce store for sale! 🚨🚨 $5,000! entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

🚨🚨 eCommerce store for sale! 🚨🚨 $5,000!

I have an eCommerce store available to buy, will give summarized details here and elaborate through PM:

  • Store has done $30k+ in revenue and $10k+ in profit in 3 months
  • Over $35k worth of product INCLUDED (retail price) ($5400 in cost)
  • Operates on Shopify
  • Includes Facebook Page with 14k REAL likes
  • Includes Supplier for the product with exceptional lead time.
  • Includes $2,000+ in custom, branded advertising videos

All sales were generated through Facebook advertising. All advertising material required is also provided. This is an excellent opportunity for someone interested in learning the ins and outs of eCommerce with a store that has already generated POSITIVE ROI on Ad Spend.

I am selling the store for LESS than the cost of the inventory and it ALSO includes advertising material, Facebook page, and shows you a PROFITABLE product for Facebook advertising.

A bit more detail:

  • The 3 month period that the store was running was Feb-April of 2016
  • The store has not run advertisements since this time

I am selling this store because I run very large scale affiliate marketing, I dove into eCommerce to see what all the fuss was about and quickly realized that I can turn a strong profit but I personally much prefer not dealing with customer service, fulfillment, etc. My background is in generating sales and I have no desire to do the rest of the hands on work involved with operating an eCommerce store. With that being said, this store has tremendous ability to scale and even expand into other products.

If you have any questions PM me, this is a great turn key operation as I'm selling it for less than the cost of the inventory.

submitted by /u/kevinballa33
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