miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Jeweler approached me to submit a cost proposal to handle her social media/instagram accounts. How much should I charge/uploads should I suggest? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I have helped this small business start her website/facebook account/and instagram - as well as other general business problems. She is 60+ years old and completely out of the loop with technology - she wants to focus only on meeting with clients and selling. I am relatively tech savy - but I have no idea how I should fairly price a proposal - as I think that small business' instagram accounts are best handled by the owner - as someone like me doesn't know the latest and greatest jewelry trends. Posting a picture and caption a day could take an .5 hours to an hour a day depending on how much detail I want to go into a photograph post. Any ideas are appreciated!

submitted by /u/butlerjw
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