viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

Is there a demand for single-product eCommerce sites? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hey, I'm working on a side-project that allows people to get a storefront for a single-product eCommerce site.

Some Features:

  • Beautiful, responsive one-page product site
  • Hosting (you need to configure domain redirection)
  • Integration w/ Google Analytics, MailChimp, Stripe or PayPal
  • $35/year


  • Choice of only three storefronts, since there's only one product
  • User needs to configure their own Stripe, MailChimp, Domain etc.

I can see a lot of people using this. Do you? I'll limit the site to only take 100 users for a few months.

submitted by /u/busynessguy
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