jueves, 29 de junio de 2017

Question about duplicate content earn by blogging adsense income

I have a guide that explains how to use our software in various programming languages. The software is for programmers only.

I have a main page that explains each feature of the software and this page points to links that contain tutorials in various programming languages. The tutorials contains only a title and the source code between <code> HTML tags. The content is quite similar, the only difference makes the syntax of the programming language itself. Some programming languages, like C# or Java are quite similar. These pages might be very easily targeted as duplicate content.

I did not worry about this because I did not want to rank the pages with tutorials. But a read this post from Google about duplicate content and it looks like the entire website is penalized.

I cannot 301 redirect them, I cannot use canonical tags because they are distinct pages. The only solution is to change the tutorials itself to be different for each programming language, but the tutorials contains only a few lines of codes that exactly explains the feature, there is no much to change.

Is is possible that Google see it as duplicate content or it knows that are various programming languages? <code> tags helps? Hard question I would say...

There is any solution, tool from Google, to find out if Google considers them as duplicate content? I do not ask for Moz or other similar tools. Something from Google...

Thank you.

submitted by /u/AlessiaP
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