viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

When sending free samples is it best to send out completely free or to ask for postage? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I'm making a special skin balm with an active ingredient that eases arthritis and certain skin conditions. It's been very popular with friends and family and I'd like to take the next step.

So far, I've been sending 10ml sample pots out free of charge. I cover postage, which is around £1.50 and the balm and packaging is another £1.50 or so. Is it good practice to ask for a nominal fee for these samples, ie. £1 or p&p covered? The balm works on around 50% of people so I estimate I'd get return sales of about 20% possibly (total guess there, I've nothing to compare it to).

Would charging a small fee get potential customers used to the idea of paying for this, whereas no fee would mean they've invested nothing into it? Or would getting it for free mean they have no reason to NOT try, and therefore hopefully find it works and want to purchase some. Would getting it for free tap into the mentality of where they 'owe' me and are more likely to buy it from me?

If anyone has any advice I'd love to know. The psychology of all this is very interesting so hopefully you guys can help.

submitted by /u/besnec
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