domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

How am i making money with instagram actually? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I've got a 20k anime page, a 30k luxury page (which is pretty much dead) and a hypebeast fashion page (11k).

The hypebeast and anime pages are running veryy good!

Now i've heard that i can make money with bigger pages, but how?

And where do you think where is more potential to pull out money? Fashion/hypebeast or anime??

A little fact:

the anime nieche is very big. The biggest anime account has 1.2mio followers.

And the biggest hypebeast nieche account has only 220k followers, and thats why i can't decide, because the anime niche is much much bigger.

So what do you think, where should i focus?

submitted by /u/GooodSushi
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