lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

Thoughts on success mindset, and what it takes to win big in entrepreneurship from someone who has won pretty big in my late teens in this game. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

They say how one reacts to failure shows a ton about them as a person, and I believe that, however, not enough people are talking about the other end of that spectrum. I believe how you react to success shows a ton about your ability to keep having it. I achieved success in my own business at 18 years old, and dropped out of college, and I am super grateful for how much I have learned since then. One of the biggest lessons I learned is that success is all in your head, everything that happens in your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. You need the correct mindset to grow to a high level in business. You may be doing well now but the mindset and skills you have now are going to need to upgrade over time to keep up. As you elevate your game in business, as you tackle bigger goals and start bigger projects, shit gets harder. Your mindset needs to be tougher. If you don't have ambition burning inside of you and if you have a complacent bone in your body you are fucked, dead in the water, I have learned that the hard way.

Don't fall into the trap of getting stuck into your destinations and goals, the second you get complacent and satisfied is the second you limit and decelerate your success.

[PS this is originally a repost from my Facebook Group for sales and marketing. Figured reddit would enjoy it too - drop a comment with your thoughts on the topic or what I said!]

I view goals as a stepping stone to the next level and nothing more. Look at them like pit stops on a never ending road and enjoy the journey. Celebrate the pit stops, by all means reward yourself for success and enjoy it, but not more than you have to. Move on and come back to reality promptly because the rest of the world and the rest of your competition is going to keep on moving.

Let's say you have a revenue goal for the year. Nothings going to change when you hit it other than a temporary ego and self confidence boost. It's still going to be time to get to work on the next big goal!

There are people out there that will call it a day early or take a vacation if they hit their goals or numbers, and theres absolutely nothing wrong with that, but if you are playing to win big and you have ambition bleeding out your veins like I do, hitting a goal just means you have an earlier start on your next goal.

Once you adopt this mindset you will change the course of your life and business forever in a very positive direction.

When I say "Adopt this mindset" I don't mean read it once from this post and forget about it. I mean make this engrained into your psychology and don't ever catch yourself getting complacent. Remember, Complacency is death because if you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards, staying the same does not happen in a fast changing environment.

submitted by /u/ajcassata
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