lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

It's 2018. Do you still need a phone number on your website? entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

I've seen this question asked here and in other communities for entrepreneurs frequently and wanted to explore it in more detail.

I have written a blog post with more information and references so if you want to check that out, here's the full post -

Full disclosure: I'm one of the founders of OpenPhone which is a phone system for small businesses.

Here's the summary

1 - Phone number on the website increases customer trust and conversion

On average, a visitor spends 59 seconds on your site, they make an impression about whether or not they can trust you much sooner.

2 - Convert visitors who need to talk to someone

70% of mobile searchers have used click to call to connect with a business directly from the search engine results page (Google)

60% of consumers mentioned communicating with businesses through phone in the last year (Drift)

By putting a phone number on your website, you're converting these visitors into customers.

3 - 89\% of consumers want to be able to message a business

The vast majority of them prefer native text messaging (SMS) to using a specific messaging app (Twilio)

By putting your phone number on the website and letting your customers know they can text you, not just call, you’ll save time and make them happy. Happy customers spend more.

4 - It's a universal way for people to reach you

Unlike messengers, website live chat, and social media platforms, a phone number is the most universal channel. There’s no need for the consumer to download an app or to be on your website. They can call or text message just like they normally would.

Would love your feedback on this. Do you have a phone number on your website?

submitted by /u/darynak
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