jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

Approximately how long does google keep pages with a 404 status in their index? earn by blogging adsense income

I revamped a site for a client. He wasn't getting a ton of traffic, didn't want to deal with redirecting old URLs to the new URL structure, and just wanted to drop the old pages. His new URL structure is completely different.

After the revamp, I did a "fetch as google" (within Google Search Console) to crawl his entire site. A lot of the new pages are now indexed which is great, but of course there are still a lot of old pages indexed that are no longer around (404 status). I realize I can set a 410 status on those pages, but would rather not if I can avoid it.

How long will it take Google to drop the pages with a 404 status from their index?

submitted by /u/skipthedrive
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