martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Migrating 2 Websites earn by blogging adsense income

We currently have 2 websites, one that focuses on residential and the other focuses on commercial. We have decided to migrate these 2 websites but I have a few questions..

I have already added most of the pages from OLD SITE to NEW SITE, the other pages won't be coming over. I have setup 301 redirects on a per page level to point to the URL of the NEW SITE. I have also set a site wide NO-INDEX on the OLD SITE, and currently have the OLD SITES content NOINDEXED on the NEW SITE as well.

I just want to double check that I am handling this correctly, I have the 301 redirects on a per page basis, then I have a htaccess redirect in place as well (I'm wondering if only one of these is needed). I started a change of address to finalize everything but I wanted to make sure that I am doing everything correctly. Should the OLD SITE stay up with all its content and have a site wide no index? And when would I be safe to index the OLD pages on the NEW site and resubmit my sitemap? Should I submit a removal of the OLD SITE or will the change of address take care of the OLD pages being in the index under the OLD domain?


submitted by /u/Apollo127x
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