martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

How do you scale SEO for local small business? earn by blogging adsense income

Quick background: I am a solopreneur running a small local business. Decent understanding of SEO and tried various strategies over the years. SEOs I talked to all say I have decent on-page, currently ranking with backlinks but I still think there's room to improve. However, I feel that I have hit a brick wall.

Looking for some suggestions on how can a solopreneur scale SEO like authority sites do?

Some concrete examples:

Guest posting: Scored some great links but diminishing return after a few articles. Focus on gaining referral domains instead but constant outreach (for new sites) takes too much time, more than writing the article itself. Also taking time away from writing for my own site.

Media outreach: Also very time consuming, success rate being low and sometimes you don't get link, or a no-follow.

Citations: Quality ones already done, ranking in 3-pack for those searching in my area. Don't need hundreds and certainly don't want spammy citations.

PBNs: Nearly all competitors in my niche are relying on PBNs more or less, mixed results. It's like a drug, the juice feels great at the beginning then you keep adding until you die from overdose. Having too many homepage PBN links is a dangerous footprint anyway?

TL;DR Yes SEO works but everything I have done so far feels like a linear (time consuming) approach. Interested in hearing ideas on how you can go exponential, leap frogging competitors.

submitted by /u/PPhotoRedditSEO
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