martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

I feel like I am SEO-ing wrong... earn by blogging adsense income

I created a stylist/client platform and currently trying to increase my organic search traffic. I created a directory of pages by state that will list relevant results for that state. At the bottom of my homepage, I have a link for each state with the url /stylists-near-me/{state}.

Currently, they have little to no results other than blog content. I was hoping to gauge/publish the demand of each state in order to a) market to potential clients of stylists and b) offer the SEO perks to the stylist.

My question(s) to somebody more experienced in SEO/SEM:

  1. Is this proper/ethical? My goal is to be a directory of users so it's not exactly fluff links.
  2. With the majority of the landing pages being same content (no stylists currently), I imagine that will not bode well for my placements. Would fresh blog content help there or do I need to come up with something relative to each page?
  3. The actual SEO could use some work (proper H1, H2, H3s), but any particular thing that would help my case in this particular example?
  4. How can I create additional urls without creating another set of 51 links?
submitted by /u/itshercule
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