viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

Guaranteed front page placement-- What are they going to do? earn by blogging adsense income

I have a rough understanding on SEO-- keep getting calls and questions from colleagues about these companies that guarantee front page google placement. Could be doable, but a friend in Dallas had a company tell her she can get front page as a lawyer... for $200/300 a month? With 1000's of lawyers, why wouldn't they all do it?

From what I know, there is no money you can pay to GUARANTEE front page, aside from advertising (which one company told me it isn't Google Ads), especially in a big city. They can sure try-- Are they just promising her front page Maps/business or something and using Yext?

Not sure if I'm allowed to link companies but DM me if seeing a link to company website--

submitted by /u/darktanyun
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