martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

I've killed my site's SEO a few months ago, oh my... (Questions) earn by blogging adsense income

I run a fansite/forum and I killed my SEO really bad. What was once easily several hundred to almost 2000 clicks per day now became a dozen if I'm lucky. I'm trying my best to recover it now using different techniques and strategies and while it would be nice to do it one at a time, there's so much to do. One instance I was always #1 for certain keywords, I was proud really! But I changed the entire site's architecture and I thought 301 would pass the SERP over but I was wrong, way wrong. It's been about 8 months since I did this, is it still recoverable if I changed the URLs back to what it was? I didn't know Google cared how far away something was from the HP but yet, another mistake. Now google has thousands of 404 pages, yet they all 301 just fine on my end. Is there hope? Webmatser tools only show less than 50 query pages in the past month and before it was tens of thousands at least. Good lord, what have I done?

submitted by /u/Eriane
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