jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

What should I put down as my accomplishments working at agency if I have none? earn by blogging adsense income

I have been pretty much micro-managed by my boss all 2.5 years I've been at the agency so upsetting as it may sound, I kind of have "0" accomplishments since my manager and the director of the team did all the dirty strategic work while I did the very basic work like keyword research, on-page recommendations, monthly reporting. The thing is - most of the client accounts I was on (fortune 500 clients) - they didn't even implement my recommendations. I see a lot of descriptions of people's linkedin saying "I helped X client's traffic grow from X% to Y% blah blah" but how do you measure or determine if that success was actually from you? if it was a one-man thing and I helped a client grow organically myself, it would be a no-brainer to think I helped their traffic/rankings/conversions grow. but it's complicated to determine my actual accomplishment at an agency where you are micro-managed under two people and they are the ones actually building the deep strategies for the client - and the thing is, those strategies didn't even end up not being implemented by the client, for the most part. so what exactly would be my accomplishment? i'm just scared that this might be an interview question for my next SEO job at an other agency/company because thinking of it, I really have none despite learning a lot about the industry and many SEO tactics.

submitted by /u/drinkyafkingmilk
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