jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

Kind of complex and nit-picky issue with All in One SEO pack. My company is having a conflict with Yoast SEO pack and we're not sure how bad it is. earn by blogging adsense income

So my company owns upwards of a dozen domains that we regularly manage and post content to. Our smallest ones have only 1-2 dozen posts, whereas our largest property has 2000+ that have been posted as far back as 2013.

Maybe a year or so ago, we added Yoast SEO to our website. Sometimes we post duplicate content across domains and canonicalize it to whatever the page we want to rank. In most cases this is put on our All in One SEO plugin that we installed years ago.

I just discovered that both All in One SEO plugin and the Yoast plugin automatically ship a default canonicalization url of the current page. So many legacy pieces that we put a custom canon. URL on are now displaying conflicting canon. URLs to Google, since the AIO plugin shows the custom one, whereas Yoast shows the default.

Has anyone experienced this kind of issue where you have conflicting plugins? If so, how did it affect you? What did you do to remedy it and send a clearer signal to Google?

submitted by /u/kek_n9ne
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