jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

Does anyone have any good write-ups they could point me to for photographers trying to improve their SEO? earn by blogging adsense income

Without trying to ask super generic questions, I wanted to know if anyone was knowledgeable on SEO when it comes to photography.

I have taken a lot of photos for local businesses here in NYC and New Jersey. My standard practice is to just pass images over to them so they can choose how they want to 'represent' themselves via photography.

  1. Should I be uploading the images myself to their business page and taging myself? Obviously it will be good if other business see that I took it, but more importantly, does that do anything for SEO ranking? I have a pano I took for a local coffee shop and it's got 50k hits so far. It needs to be updated as well, so I'm curious about how important that link is, especially if we take it down and redo it.

  2. What is the best approach to expressing to clients that I shoot in NYC all the time without painting it in big bold letters in my business name like, Darren Phillip Jones Photography, Yes... YES I shoot in NYC. Please don't ignore me because my address says NJ. My friend rents in Hell's Kitchen, and said I could use his address, but I don't know how reliable that is since he just rents there.

  3. Does it help to photograph local attractions and tag my business? I'm trying to figure out how to increase my rankings outside of hoping a big agency picks me up and remembers to tag my site. That's actually a big issue for me as well. I have been published in some crazy big magazines, high traffic sites... but article writers always 'forget' to credit me and back link to my site. And I am lucky if I find one of my photos used without tagging. Tracking all of my images would be a nightmare.

  4. Do any of you know of a decent service that tracks photos that doesn't cost a fortune? And a good practice with it? I know of 1-2 services, but they are pricey, and not reliable. Especially since people resize everything, it doesn't always catch. I even found one of my photos in the wild, and exported to the same size, and it still didn't catch it.

I did google 'Photographer SEO' to see what comes up, but a lot of it was super basic info, like making sure to blog and tag photos! And include photographer in your keywords!

If you have any tips or advice, I'm all ears! And if you're in the NYC area and would like to possibly trade services, let me know. I don't have a lot of disposable cash, but I'd love to help you, whoever you are, out in return. Maybe I'll talk to the admins about doing a silly headshot day or something for you guys.

submitted by /u/darrenphillipjones
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://ift.tt/2NvPzSd
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