martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Single page vs. multiple pages when there's a lot of related but distinct content earn by blogging adsense income

Slight titlegore, I realise! Basically I run, which lists mistakes, trivia, questions, etc., sometimes hundreds per movie/TV show. In most cases the canonical page combines all related things onto one page, ie. 280ish mistakes for Titanic all in one big list, rather than the default 20 per page if you click through within the site itself. The potential issue I have is that especially for questions relating to a specific title, if someone searches for a given term and comes to the site, what they're looking for might be entry 100, way, way down the page. It also means that some given pages are really really long, with huge amounts of text with no distinct keywords beyond the obvious "Titanic mistakes" or similar.

As such, might it be worth ignoring the general recommendation that single pages are preferred, and instead keep everything split up into pages of 20 (or more/less?) I don't want to feel like I'm inflating pageviews by forcing people to click through endlessly if they want to read everything, but equally if searches are taking them to massive pages full of stuff they might not have searched for. "Titanic mistakes" will get them where they want, but asking "What religion were the first class passengers practicing in the church scene?" is answered either at the top of page 6, over 100 entries down on the combined page. Hope this question makes sense! Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/jonsandys
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