martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Let's talk about XML sitemaps. What's your policy? Are they relevant or irrelevant? earn by blogging adsense income

I never gave much of a second thought to sitemaps. I would automatically generate them in Yoast, submit to GSC, and forget about them. I figured Google didn't much care about them and that they were more of a vestige from the days of less sophisticated crawling algorithms.

But a month ago I decided to go with a custom sitemap for a site that wasn't on Wordpress. The original sitemap hadn't been updated since 2010 and was full of parameter URLs, so I used Screaming Frog to make my own sitemap that only included the URLs I wanted.

The result was astonishing. Traffic doubled literally overnight. August had a 1,000% increase in traffic compared to June (the new sitemap was submitted in July). I couldn't believe it. I checked for anything else it could have possibly been. But the cause and effect was unequivocal. I've never had one change produce such a drastic result in my years of SEO.

Now I'm going to start testing on other sites to see what the results might be. But the experience made me curious about how other SEOs treat sitemaps on their sites.

How much time do you put into them? Do you only do automatically generated, or do you do custom builds? What's your policy for URL inclusion?

submitted by /u/ApeWearingClothes
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