viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

Shady looking links to SEO agency's website on client's page. earn by blogging adsense income

Hi there r/SEO!

I don't have much experience in SEO (yet) and have a quick question:

A friend of mine hired a local SEO agency to boost her ranking, which worked rather well so far. I've seen, that they put the following links to their own website on the about-page of my friend's site (i changed their domain to "seo-agency-website" in the following snippet):

<a href="http://seo-agency-website/seo-search-engine-optimization/">SEO / Search Engine Optimization</a> <a href="http://seo-agency-website/">Online Marketing</a> <a href="http://seo-agency-website/google-adwords/">Google Adwords Agency</a> <a href="http://seo-agency-website/search-engine-marketing/">Search Engine Marketing</a> <a href="http://seo-agency-website/webdevelopment/">Webdevelopment</a> <a href="http://seo-agency-website/social-media-marketing/">Social Media Marketing</a> <a href="http://seo-agency-website/wordpress-agency/">Wordpress Agency</a> <a href="http://seo-agency-website/ecommerce-agency/">E-Commerce Agency</a> <a href="http://seo-agency-website/google-shopping/">Google Shopping Agency</a> 

While i'd find it absolutely OK to put a (single) backlink to their own site on the sites of their client, i find these links a bit shady. To me this looks, that the SEO agency is using their client's site to boost their own ranking with the linked keywords. Furthermore this smells a lot like ranking-manipulation to me - and probably also Google. Might this even result in Google penalizing my friend's website?

Or am i completely wrong with this assassment and this is a common and valid practice?

I would be really grateful for an expert's opinion. Many thanks in advance! :)

submitted by /u/codeflorist
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