viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

Looking for a Team to startup a Crypto Venture [Long Read] entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

A little information about me:

I'm online since the last century and have been running projects since then. Starting small back in the days, growing as the internet grew. At one point I didn't keep up with learning how to program and concentrated on the development of concepts and actually running the projects. I do understand how code works, what is possible and what is not. And I think that's important when working together. That the one with the idea/concept is not asking for things that are simply not feasible. I always started with small budgets, sometimes not more than the cost of hosting and did the rest on my own as long as I was able to at least make the simple changes that were needed for what I did. The point is that every single project I ever started was profitable. The most successful was started with less than $3000 in 2014 and generated more than $1.200.000 in revenue in it's second year at ~70% profit margin before tax.

If you think an idea is worth nothing, you might be like my ex-'partner' who made a million with my idea before scamming me for my share. Just to be clear: if you think like that, I don't want to work with you :)

What I'm looking for:

Dedication! Trust! Dreams!

If the following sounds crazy to you, you might not be the right person. You should already understand and believe in the superiority of cryptocurrencies as opposed to FIAT currencies. The change that is happening now will lead to an end of how banking is still done today. People today are still considered early adopters and companies founded on crypto will see huge growth in the near future. Especially when they are not run by big money and actually care about the people and the future of cryptos. I don't want to create this and sell-out to the highest bidder at the first sight of a few million USD.

What I have right now:

  • 2 custom coded scripts both developed with Laravel running on ubuntu servers
  • A pretty huge concept for a new type of company involving a plethora of future projects and a plan how to get to the 'end'-project going through several stages.

Script #1 - Social/Viral sponsor

This script was tested and working in beta generating ~$200,000 in revenue with a small userbase. Unfortunately the programmers implemented some bugs that caused the servers to crash several times per day and were unable to fix it for weeks. This led to the users abondoning the project, moving on to other ventures and ultimately ending the project as it was. A re-design and re-start with a new dedicated team and a new plan could yield way more than the beta if pursued correctly. Setting the new script to support cryptocurrencies with our own Coin not only as an utility but as an actual share in the company/project opens the door to run an ICO to get the funding for the development of a complete ecosystem surrounding cryptocurrencies.


  • Registration/Login-area for influencers/writer.
  • Affiliate program to refer new influencers/writer (percentage based).
  • Writing articles - pays a share of the revenue an article generated (percentage based) with max cap (adjustable)
  • Uploading images, adding youtube videos, embed tweets, embed instagram, embed facebook status/video.
  • Listing articles approved for promotion with average CPM where available
  • Unique link for each user and article for tracking, wildcard subdomains, several pre-set domains on rotation as well as option to add custom domains (by user)
  • Statistics per day updating every 30 minutes (adjustable) for each day, user, article, country, device - more options possible
  • Sending money from balance inbetween accounts
  • Payment request via Paypal, Wire Transfer, Moneygram, WesternUnion (so far)
  • Bankstatement listing all movements of money in the account (sending, receiving, finalization, payouts etc) with additional information
  • Custom live support chat
  • Profile settings (set to extend to social profile pages)
  • Profile of writer will be displayed on article


  • Setting userroles: Admin, Support, Writer, User
  • Listing of users, sorting and searching by different options
  • Categories, set new, edit, change settings (published domain)
  • Domains to add article-domains, linkdomains etc.
  • Listing of articles by category and status
  • Managing articles, approving, editing, delisting, rejecting submitted articles (option to send back for review or delete) etc
  • Adjust payout rate per article for influencers (percentage based)
  • Admin options on articles to change social media appearance (title, description and previewpicture)
  • Finalization of earnings for a set timeframe (chosing timeframe lists the users that earned anything in that timeframe, after checking, the earnings can be finalized per each user separately or all at once)
  • Listing and handling payment requests (changing status to paid, refund if wrong or missing information etc)

More info:

  • API integration of Google Analytics linked to Google Adsense
  • The pay per article is unique to each user/article and country since it's a share of the revenue generated by the traffic this users sent. Scammer and cheater that send fraudulent traffic simply don't earn anything since their traffic is either too bad or not real to begin with, thus not generating any revenue. There are options we can add to automatically block cheaters based on the statistics delivered by GA.
  • The live support chat can be extended to a 'real' messenger/chat with a few permission changes so users could chat with each other
  • Everything was developed with the option in mind to upgrade it to some kind of social network in the future

The bad:

  • It's ugly, seriously. Since it never left beta-stage, there was no attempy to beautify the userinterface. A lot of stuff has just been put in place to make it work.
  • There is still a lot of work to be done. Although it was working and not just as a MVP, as mentioned, some bug was crashing the server. This bug needs to be found and eliminated before it can be used again. There are some changes I have in mind but we'll get to that when it's time to.

Has more features that are not needed to list here, just want to point out that almost everything has been thought of already.

Script #2 - ICO Website and Coin distribution

  • Registration/Login-area for users.
  • Affiliate program to refer new investors (percentage based).
  • Option to buy Coins by sending crypto (BTC, LTC, ETH currently implemented via coinbase API).
  • Addresses generated and saved for each user to track who send how much.
  • Actual price of crypto obtained by coinmarketcap API.
  • User receives purchased Coins in webwallet on confirmation of transaction.
  • Referrer receives his reward in same transaction.
  • Transaction generated refers and links to the corresponding blockchain transaction (BTC, LTC, ETH).

Developing these two scripts cost me somewhere between $20.000-$30.000. I'm not asking you to put the same down obviously, just pointing out that this is the most I ever invested in a project by far - because I believe that it will be successful with the right team.

If you are still interested, hit me up via PM with some information about your skills and whatever else you think I should know about you. I set up a workspace on slack for those interested and will send the invite-link.

submitted by /u/MrDrool
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