viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

People are consistently inconsistent entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

If there's been one resounding lesson I've been learning since I launched my business 4 months ago it's that people are consistently inconsistent.

We recently set up a meetup group on a whim and within 3 weeks had almost 100 people join. Yesterday we had our first event and between eventbrite and meetup we had 39 people rsvp. Amazing!

Me and my cofounder couldn't decide whether or not to book a private area at a bar (initially they wanted a £400 minimum spend but I negotiated them down to £150) or try and hold off an area. We bit the bullet and ordered £150 worth of drinks.

At full swing of the event I think we had about 9 people there. It started at 7pm and by about 8:30 we were down to 4 (not including me and my cofounder).

Being an "entrepreneur" is a constant battle against expectations vs reality. I'm constantly having to half my expectations and half them again to match reality. It can be so damn frustrating, lonely, demotivating and tiring. This event is just a sprinkle on top of what has been a gruelling and painful few weeks of rejections and people going back on promises.

People can be fickle bastards and getting them to believe in your vision is tough.

If there's one key thing I'm taking away from yesterday it's just to ensure consistency in everything. Absolutely always follow up from meetings, go to an event when you say you'll go and don't string people along when you're not that interested in their service/ product.

Thanks for listening to the rant. In the grand scheme of things these set backs are nothing compared to others. I just know I'm at the beginning of what is going to be a long, bumpy and back breaking journey.

It's time to dust myself off and get back to work dammit! I've got 9 new contacts to follow up on from yesterday and 30 to reach out to to understand how I can solve a problem they relate to.

How has your week progressed? Have expectations exceeded reality? What have you learned?

submitted by /u/OTDayy
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