viernes, 29 de junio de 2018

[Survey] Career SEO's, what was your socio-economic situation in your early twenties, educational background and where are you from? earn by blogging adsense income

Just trying to paint a picture as to what kind of individual goes into SEO and whether or not socio-economic situation has a large influencer on pushing someone into SEO.


1) Socio-economic situation in your early twenties

*How well off was your family relative to the community you were a part of?

*Did your parents help you with college expenses?

*How important was your education to your parents?

2) What is your educational background?

3) Where are you from?

If you reside in a "cultural melting pot" like in the US, which ethnic group are you a part of?

submitted by /u/Westrivers
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