viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

Inspiration through rpgs entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

As a business owner, encountering so many people, I think about these games. Collecting items, leveling up, new inventory, new armor, weapons, allies, techniques , etc.

When someone new joins your party who has just the skills you need to get to the next stage? So incredible and fun as fuck! What can I do to rally them to my cause? How can I enrich them through our mutual efforts and contributions? How can I promote THEIR cause? How can I gain their trust, and alliance? How can I learn, and how can I teach?

Someone betrays you, and tries to end your whole Game? Fuck them! Rebuild your army and castle on solid foundations! Rally your base, and show all who is king! fucking awesome !!!

What is a hero without an nemesis?

Irl, as we know, losing in battle is where all the juicy exp is to be gained: not when we succeed (though there is much to reap in VICTORY as well!!! [Confidence +5]!)

And when do we fail? When we take chances? When we make bold moves? When we are cocky or foolish, creative, or LAZY, unprepared, hasty or AFRAID?!?!? ALL of these can lead to failure (though fear and laziness will likely lead to nothing more ).

Entrepreneurs do not chase Mr and Mrs Jones next door: we chase Sephiroth, we chase Lavos, WE CHASE THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE KEFKA!!!

NO, bro, fuck Kefka tho.

Entrepreneurs get to play that sweet game of heros and villains, magic and might, passion and pleasure , while all others are just being controlled by forces they cannot,will not, do currently not, are not committed to understanding.

submitted by /u/Dontgetmadbud
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from Entrepreneur

how to make money out of blogging & become a successful blogger

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