viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

My favorite business podcasts has a lot of answers for this subreddit, I think. Here’s a link to one the newest episodes that answers the types of questions I see posted a lot in here. entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

So I am always reading a lot of questions asked about getting traction with a startup, building a brand and getting recognition, converting on ecommerce sales, and things of that nature. Most of them include some curious org about things like fb ads, dropshipping and a lot of other trendy strategies to building successful business. I think the Andy Frisella podcast ‘MFCEO’ project has a lot of answers for those who feel lost in an overwhelming world of options for entrepreneurs.

Here’s the link: Small Town Secrets

Just a brief warning, Andy Frisella has a big personality and is not for everyone. I don’t think I even really liked him the first podcast I listened to. But here’s my pitch for why I think you should give his whole series a honest shot and listen to at least a few: I have been an entrepreneur for about 4 years now. I had really limited success at the beginning. I tried a bunch of shortcuts and could never get things to work like I was reading about on blogs with success stories for people who had found fast easy ways to make a buck. A couple years ago, after reevaluating my approach, I started to read like crazy books written by smart, successful people, not just gurus with blogs. I found that anyone with lasting success had a much different, less buzz worthy approach to business. In short, it just had to do with really hard, consistent work. After finding this podcast, and after everything I’ve learned, Andy Frisella has the most down-to-earth, yet motivating approach. And he’s incredibly smart, despite what his demeanor may indicate. I really value the vast majority of what he says and I hope you find it worth while!

submitted by /u/heavyhandedpour
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