viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

What to do in this situation earn by blogging adsense income

Hey guys,

So I have this news website, but I also post some posts that get updated with new content frequently, now the thing is, when something new comes by and we update the content, it will show to Google search the date of the post, let's say that I post something today (March 31) and I update the post with new content at April 3, how can I make it that the post shows up on Google as updated x minutes ago? I have tried to re-submit the link on Google Webmaster Tools and to re-crawl it but I don't think that that's good for the site because it is already indexed.

The thing is we are losing traffic because similiar websites update their posts and it shows up on Google that the thread has just been updated and they get first spot...


submitted by /u/paraddict
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