lunes, 1 de enero de 2018

5 Lessons I learned starting a business this Christmas and New Year entrepreneur how earn by blogging blog

Hi all,

This Christmas I started a marketing consultancy business, auditing B2Bs and online retailers to show them how to improve their website, brand, marketing content, channel efficacy and tactics to improve conversions, leads, revenue, yadda yadda.

It's been amazing and I've had a great time doing it so far. It's not my full-time job but it's definitely the healthy start to going solo I've needed as I have talked about starting for years now.

To help me keep my thoughts together and stay motivated I am going to make short videos either about my experience or about my business and turn it into lead gen content. But before I get ahead of myself below are 5 lessons I learned from starting a business over the Christmas holidays.

1. I Can Do It I've always put it off in the past because I either couldn't find the time or had other priorities taking up my headspace. I gave myself 2 hours a day to focus on building my business and it's really grown into something tangible already (and I've barely scratched the surface). You see, 2 hours a day, every day is 14hrs a week (2 work days) or 56hrs a month (1+ work weeks). - Think about how much you can do in a week and apply it to your own project. You'll feel like you're making progress and it won't eat into your lifestyle too much at the beginning. Making the start manageable is so important.

2. It's about the journey I have always been focused on the here and now. Often I get distracted and have too many projects to juggle. For me, even reaching the first major milestone can be considered the 'end' of the first part of a longer journey and I slow down or move on to other things as I got that sweet sweet serotonin into my system.

Change this mentality to focus on your new project as if it's a new relationship or friendship in your life and know that it will grow and be better for the amount of time you spend on it. This has kept me focused and honestly, I feel better about it. The serotonin keeps on coming!

3. A little pressure is helpful I work better to deadlines. Most people do, it's a weird thing that humans cant self-motivate without external factors driving the productive use of our time. If you can game your brain to create deadlines even when they don't exist you'll do better.

In my case, I asked for test subjects to run my marketing audits on in this Reddit post and used my commitment to turning around requests as a way to motivate me through the holidays.

Find a way to give yourself deadlines and the productivity will come faster.

4. Nothing is free. Well, my audits were, but that was a mistake. I didn't need paying for my time as it was a shared benefit. I improved the output of my service offering, people got some sweet suggestions on how to improve their website or marketing tactics. The problem is I never got a commitment from the people I was working with (even in time) so that I could use them to test drive my pitch, talk through my service offerings, turn them into potential customers. I'm still waiting to hear back from some people but my guess is the free part of the relationship is over, they will be more conservative about spending time with me trying to pitch them from here onwards.

If you are doing something worthwhile, make sure there is something given to you in return, even if it is not monetary.

5. It's ok to fail So above is a clear failure, and I could get down on myself and go back to work tomorrow and forget all about it, but honestly, it's motivated me to make a video and focus on the next steps. Website, brand and Round 3 of audits

If you would like an impartial audit from me about your website then send me a private message and we can go through it together

Thanks for reading! Paul

submitted by /u/Dara_dus
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