Basically, quitting your good, reliable paying job to pursue your goals comes with lots of sacrifices. Lots and lots. Living minimalistic lifestyle, eating bread with ketchup and cans of sardines instead of those nice chicken dinners, depression and anxiety caused due to lack of funds / unreliable future, lack and loss of friends due to inability to socialize, getting a whole lot of negative feedback / criticism, loss of sleep because your brain is constantly running on full throttle/ thinking of how you are going to get over that coding problem/ business ideas, ruined relationships / inability to date because you can't afford it / you are too busy chasing your goals and don't want to drag someone else in the race with you and so much. If you have a family with kids to support, then it's 1000X harder.
Quitting your comfortable lifestyle to chase your own goals has a shit ton of sacrifices and if you think it might be just as easy as making a simple prototype and throwing it on Kickstarter to make lots of $$ dough, then you are up for failure. Not everyone needs to be an entrepreneur. Not everyone needs to chase their dreams. Often just coasting away at your 9-5 job is good enough for most people. At least you get to enjoy your nice vacations and the weekends and get to socialize and all that fancy stuff.
However if you do decide to take on this rough road and even if you fail at the end after sacrificing everything, you will at least be glad that you took that leap. And most future job prospects respect the fact that you tried to do something on your own and built a lot of experience that way. Still chasing.
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